Have a wonderful and safe holiday break!
Monday: Read chapter 9 of The Outsiders. Prepare for town hall meeting.
Tuesday: Read chapter 10 of The Outsiders.
Wednesday: Read chapter 11 of The Outsiders and prepare for final test (open book essay test).
Thursday: Review Out of My Mind homework and make a plan for getting it completed over break.
Friday: Out of My Mind assignment; Study Island "Identifying Theme" test.
Language Arts
219 & 213: Free write (review guidelines).
219: News article analysis: highlighting conjunctions, and listing which clauses they link.
213: News article analysis: highlighting prepositions, and listing what they modify.
225: GUM p. 47
219: Free write.
213: GUM p. 69
225: Free write.
219: Correct your proofreading test.
213: Proofreading quiz tomorrow.
225: Narrative about winter break activities. Ensure composition notebook, binder, and adequate loose leaf paper.
219 & 213: Narrative about winter break activities. Ensure composition notebook, binder, and adequate loose leaf paper.
Homework for the Week of 12-6-10
Monday: Study Island test (due Sunday 7-12). Read Chapter 5 of The Outsiders.
Tuesday: Chapter 5 reflection questions.
Wednesday: Study for quiz on author choices and chapters 4 and 5 of The Outsiders.
Thursday: Finish chapter 6 of The Outsiders. Respond to Socratic Seminar preparation questions.
Friday: Read and annotate chapters 7 and 8. Use the suggested key passages if you wish.
Language Arts
219: Typed global focus essay due Wednesday.
213: Typed global focus essay due Wednesday.
219: Typed global focus essay. “I See in Your Future…” worksheet. (Students write single-sentence predictions about others using past, present, and future tense verbs.”
213: Typed global focus essay.
225: Completed persuasive essay planner.
219: GUM Lesson 37 Part 2 (p. 112).
213: Complete draft of persuasive article.
225: GUM p. 65
219: Proofreading test tomorrow.
213: GUM lesson 48, Part 2 (p. 144).
225: Completed draft of global focus essay.
219: GUM Lessons 39 and 40 Part 2, pages 116 and 118.
213: Comma splices and run-ons worksheet.
Monday: Study Island test (due Sunday 7-12). Read Chapter 5 of The Outsiders.
Tuesday: Chapter 5 reflection questions.
Wednesday: Study for quiz on author choices and chapters 4 and 5 of The Outsiders.
Thursday: Finish chapter 6 of The Outsiders. Respond to Socratic Seminar preparation questions.
Friday: Read and annotate chapters 7 and 8. Use the suggested key passages if you wish.
Language Arts
219: Typed global focus essay due Wednesday.
213: Typed global focus essay due Wednesday.
219: Typed global focus essay. “I See in Your Future…” worksheet. (Students write single-sentence predictions about others using past, present, and future tense verbs.”
213: Typed global focus essay.
225: Completed persuasive essay planner.
219: GUM Lesson 37 Part 2 (p. 112).
213: Complete draft of persuasive article.
225: GUM p. 65
219: Proofreading test tomorrow.
213: GUM lesson 48, Part 2 (p. 144).
225: Completed draft of global focus essay.
219: GUM Lessons 39 and 40 Part 2, pages 116 and 118.
213: Comma splices and run-ons worksheet.
Global Focus Essay
In this assignment, you will write a persuasive essay to express your opinion on a real-life issue facing society today. You will use the same techniques and structure you have used for your previous persuasive essays; now you are simply applying your skills to a new situation.
Step 1: Choose a topic.
Step 3: Plan out your essay. If you wish, you can use this persuasive essay planner.
Step 1: Choose a topic.
- Should government information be leaked to the public?
- Should all American students be required to learn Chinese?
- Should children be subjected to tough airport security?
- Should football rules be changed to make the game safer?
- Choose your own topic! Check with Ms. Ewing for approval.
Step 3: Plan out your essay. If you wish, you can use this persuasive essay planner.
Homework for the Week of 11-29-10
219 - Reading:
Monday: Write two paragraphs on any topic using any 20 words from Vocabulary Lessons 1-10. Underline the words. (Due Wednesday.) Word Study p. 69.
Tuesday: Write two paragraphs on any topic using any 20 words from Vocabulary Lessons 1-10. Underline the words. Read “Dream Variations” and write analytical, inferential, and evaluative questions. (Bonus: write your own poem in the manner of “Theme for English B.)
Wednesday: Study for The Outsiders comprehension quiz. Complete Open Mind for the character of your choice.
Thursday: Read Chapter 4 of The Outsiders and complete Answer Your Own Question! Word Study: “Write the Derivative,” pp. 71-72
219 - Language Arts
Monday: Completed chapbooks due (rolling deadline; through Thursday). Bring a colored pen for editing. Typed persuasive essay due Wednesday.
Tuesday: Completed chapbooks due (rolling deadline; through Thursday). Typed persuasive essay.
Wednesday: Completed chapbooks due (rolling deadline; through Thursday).
Thursday: Completed draft of global focus essay.
Monday: Typed persuasive essay (due Wednesday).
Tuesday: Typed persuasive essay.
Wednesday: Complete persuasive essay planner using the facts you gathered for your global focus essay.
Thursday: Completed draft of global focus essay.
Tuesday: Revised draft of persuasive essay, with counterpoint paragraph. Sentence structure and subject-verb agreement quiz tomorrow.
Wednesday: Quiz on subject-verb agreement.
Thursday: Typed persuasive essay.
Monday: Write two paragraphs on any topic using any 20 words from Vocabulary Lessons 1-10. Underline the words. (Due Wednesday.) Word Study p. 69.
Tuesday: Write two paragraphs on any topic using any 20 words from Vocabulary Lessons 1-10. Underline the words. Read “Dream Variations” and write analytical, inferential, and evaluative questions. (Bonus: write your own poem in the manner of “Theme for English B.)
Wednesday: Study for The Outsiders comprehension quiz. Complete Open Mind for the character of your choice.
Thursday: Read Chapter 4 of The Outsiders and complete Answer Your Own Question! Word Study: “Write the Derivative,” pp. 71-72
219 - Language Arts
Monday: Completed chapbooks due (rolling deadline; through Thursday). Bring a colored pen for editing. Typed persuasive essay due Wednesday.
Tuesday: Completed chapbooks due (rolling deadline; through Thursday). Typed persuasive essay.
Wednesday: Completed chapbooks due (rolling deadline; through Thursday).
Thursday: Completed draft of global focus essay.
Monday: Typed persuasive essay (due Wednesday).
Tuesday: Typed persuasive essay.
Wednesday: Complete persuasive essay planner using the facts you gathered for your global focus essay.
Thursday: Completed draft of global focus essay.
Tuesday: Revised draft of persuasive essay, with counterpoint paragraph. Sentence structure and subject-verb agreement quiz tomorrow.
Wednesday: Quiz on subject-verb agreement.
Thursday: Typed persuasive essay.
Homework for the Week of 11-22-10
219 - Reading
Monday: Complete Question/Text Evidence/Response sheet with questions from Junior Scholastic
Tuesday: Read Chapter 3 of The Outsiders and choose a reflection question to respond to in one paragraph.
Wednesday: Poetry series research. (Students are responsible for finding a poet who interests them, three poems, and brief biographical information.)
Language Arts
Monday: Work on chapbook. (Final edition due November 29 - December 3.
Tuesday: Work on chapbook. (Final edition due November 29 - December 3.)
Wednesday:Typed draft of your persuasive essay. Final chapbook due November 29 - December 3.
Monday: Work on chapbook. (Due Wednesday at the latest.)
Tuesday: Final chapbook due tomorrow.
Wednesday:Typed draft of your persuasive essay.
Tuesday: Work on chapbook. (Final edition due November 30 - December 2.)
Wednesday: Complete a draft of your persuasive essay. Final chapbook due November 30-December 2.
Monday: Complete Question/Text Evidence/Response sheet with questions from Junior Scholastic
Tuesday: Read Chapter 3 of The Outsiders and choose a reflection question to respond to in one paragraph.
Wednesday: Poetry series research. (Students are responsible for finding a poet who interests them, three poems, and brief biographical information.)
Language Arts
Monday: Work on chapbook. (Final edition due November 29 - December 3.
Tuesday: Work on chapbook. (Final edition due November 29 - December 3.)
Wednesday:Typed draft of your persuasive essay. Final chapbook due November 29 - December 3.
Monday: Work on chapbook. (Due Wednesday at the latest.)
Tuesday: Final chapbook due tomorrow.
Wednesday:Typed draft of your persuasive essay.
Tuesday: Work on chapbook. (Final edition due November 30 - December 2.)
Wednesday: Complete a draft of your persuasive essay. Final chapbook due November 30-December 2.
Homework for the Week of 11-8-10
Enjoy your days off at the end of this week!
Monday: Reading: Word Study page 55. Language Arts: Practice for Poetry Cafe.
Tuesday: Reading: Word Study page 58. Language Arts: Practice for Poetry Cafe.
Wednesday: Reading: Word Study pages 59 and 60. Language Arts: Performance piece for Poetry Cafe should be 100% memorized by Monday!
Monday: Draft of "I used to, but now" poem (not typed).
Tuesday: Turn in any poems on which you would like my feedback.
Wednesday: Work on chapbook (collect your pieces, type things that need to be typed, et cetera).
Tuesday: Turn in any poems on which you would like my feedback.
Wednesday: Draft of bliss and misery poem. Work on chapbook (collect your pieces, type things that need to be typed, et cetera).
Homework for the Week of 11-1-10
I hope you had a safe and fun Halloween! Before you turn in the final versions of any poems, remember to review the checklist that I will use to grade you.
Monday: Reading: "Finding Main Ideas and Details" worksheet. Language Arts: Due Wednesday: FINAL sestina, haiku, free verse, and bliss/misery poem.
Tuesday: Reading: "Determining Summaries" worksheet. Language Arts: FINAL sestina, haiku, free verse, and bliss/misery poem.
Wednesday: Reading: Word Study page 49. Language Arts: Pantoum draft (doesn't need to be typed).
Thursday: Reading: Word study quiz on lessons 7 and 8 tomorrow. Visit Spelling City to study! Read "The Courthouse Ring" and prepare 3 discussion questions for Socratic Seminar. Language Arts: Quiz tomorrow: apostrophes, your/you're, they're/there/their.
Friday: Reading: Complete part 1 of The Outsiders anticipation guide. Language Arts: Prepare for two-voice poem presentations next week.
Monday: Final apology, free verse, haiku, and sestina due Wednesday.
Tuesday: Final apology, free verse, haiku, and sestina.
Wednesday: Pantoum draft (does not have to be typed).
Thursday: Draft of "where I'm from" poem.
Friday: Prepare for two-voice poem presentations next week.
Tuesday: Final haiku, sestina, and diamante poems due Thursday.
Wednesday: Final haiku, sestina, and diamante.
Thursday: Due Tuesday: drafts of "where I'm from," couplets, and pantoums.
Monday: Reading: "Finding Main Ideas and Details" worksheet. Language Arts: Due Wednesday: FINAL sestina, haiku, free verse, and bliss/misery poem.
Tuesday: Reading: "Determining Summaries" worksheet. Language Arts: FINAL sestina, haiku, free verse, and bliss/misery poem.
Wednesday: Reading: Word Study page 49. Language Arts: Pantoum draft (doesn't need to be typed).
Thursday: Reading: Word study quiz on lessons 7 and 8 tomorrow. Visit Spelling City to study! Read "The Courthouse Ring" and prepare 3 discussion questions for Socratic Seminar. Language Arts: Quiz tomorrow: apostrophes, your/you're, they're/there/their.
Friday: Reading: Complete part 1 of The Outsiders anticipation guide. Language Arts: Prepare for two-voice poem presentations next week.
Monday: Final apology, free verse, haiku, and sestina due Wednesday.
Tuesday: Final apology, free verse, haiku, and sestina.
Wednesday: Pantoum draft (does not have to be typed).
Thursday: Draft of "where I'm from" poem.
Friday: Prepare for two-voice poem presentations next week.
Tuesday: Final haiku, sestina, and diamante poems due Thursday.
Wednesday: Final haiku, sestina, and diamante.
Thursday: Due Tuesday: drafts of "where I'm from," couplets, and pantoums.
Homework for the Week of 10-18-10
Hi everyone! Before you turn in the final versions of any poems, remember to review the checklist that I will use to grade you.
Monday: Reading: Review study guide for To Kill A Mockingbird final exam, which will be Wednesday. Language Arts: Due next Monday: FINAL sestina, haiku, free verse, and found poem.
Tuesday: Reading: Word Study page 39. To Kill A Mockingbird test tomorrow!! Language Arts: Complete a draft of an apology poem.
Wednesday: Reading: Work on To Kill A Mockingbird project. "Mental Movie" worksheet (from independent reading) due tomorrow. Language Arts: GUM quiz tomorrow.
Thursday: Reading: Bring materials to work on To Kill A Mockingbird project in class on Monday. Language Arts: Due Monday: FINAL sestina, haiku, free verse, and found poem.
Monday: Complete a draft of an apology poem. Due next Monday: FINAL sestina, haiku, free verse, and found poem.
Tuesday: Typed apology poem due Thursday.
Wednesday: Draft of elegy. Typed apology poem.
Thursday: FINAL sestina, haiku, free verse, and found poems.
Tuesday: Complete a draft of an apology poem. Due next Tuesday: FINAL free verse, haiku, sestina, and diamante poems.
Wednesday: Quiz tomorrow on proper nouns/proper adjectives, capitalization, apostrophes, commas, colons, and semicolons. Due next Tuesday: FINAL free verse, haiku, sestina, and diamante poems.
Thursday: Due next Tuesday: FINAL free verse, haiku, sestina, and diamante poems.
Monday: Reading: Review study guide for To Kill A Mockingbird final exam, which will be Wednesday. Language Arts: Due next Monday: FINAL sestina, haiku, free verse, and found poem.
Tuesday: Reading: Word Study page 39. To Kill A Mockingbird test tomorrow!! Language Arts: Complete a draft of an apology poem.
Wednesday: Reading: Work on To Kill A Mockingbird project. "Mental Movie" worksheet (from independent reading) due tomorrow. Language Arts: GUM quiz tomorrow.
Thursday: Reading: Bring materials to work on To Kill A Mockingbird project in class on Monday. Language Arts: Due Monday: FINAL sestina, haiku, free verse, and found poem.
Monday: Complete a draft of an apology poem. Due next Monday: FINAL sestina, haiku, free verse, and found poem.
Tuesday: Typed apology poem due Thursday.
Wednesday: Draft of elegy. Typed apology poem.
Thursday: FINAL sestina, haiku, free verse, and found poems.
Tuesday: Complete a draft of an apology poem. Due next Tuesday: FINAL free verse, haiku, sestina, and diamante poems.
Wednesday: Quiz tomorrow on proper nouns/proper adjectives, capitalization, apostrophes, commas, colons, and semicolons. Due next Tuesday: FINAL free verse, haiku, sestina, and diamante poems.
Thursday: Due next Tuesday: FINAL free verse, haiku, sestina, and diamante poems.
Homework for the Week of 10-12-10
I hope you all had a safe and fun holiday weekend!
Tuesday: Reading: Word Study page 29. Read To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 23 and complete comprehension questions. Language Arts: Typed haiku and free verse poem due Friday.
Wednesday: Reading: Self-identity artwork, if you did not already turn it in. Language Arts: Draft of a sestina. Typed haiku and free verse poem due Friday.
Thursday: Reading: Finish WANTED posters for Word Study. Read Chapter 26 for Socratic Seminar and prepare 5 questions or comments. Language Arts: Draft of a bliss & misery poem; typed haiku and free verse poem.
Friday: Reading: Read through the To Kill A Mockingbird project options and choose one. Outline the steps you will need to take to complete the project. Language Arts: Draft of a found poekm. Typed: bliss & misery poem, and sestina.
Tuesday: Draft of a sestina. Due Friday: typed free verse poem and typed haiku.
Wednesday: Final family metaphor poem (if not already turned in).
Thursday: Typed free verse poem and haiku.
Friday: Draft of a found poem.
Tuesday: Draft of a sestina. Typed free verse poem, typed haiku, and final family metaphor poem due Thursday.
Wednesday: Typed free verse, typed haiku, and final family metaphor poem.
Thursday: Typed sestina and typed diamante.
Tuesday: Reading: Word Study page 29. Read To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 23 and complete comprehension questions. Language Arts: Typed haiku and free verse poem due Friday.
Wednesday: Reading: Self-identity artwork, if you did not already turn it in. Language Arts: Draft of a sestina. Typed haiku and free verse poem due Friday.
Thursday: Reading: Finish WANTED posters for Word Study. Read Chapter 26 for Socratic Seminar and prepare 5 questions or comments. Language Arts: Draft of a bliss & misery poem; typed haiku and free verse poem.
Friday: Reading: Read through the To Kill A Mockingbird project options and choose one. Outline the steps you will need to take to complete the project. Language Arts: Draft of a found poekm. Typed: bliss & misery poem, and sestina.
Tuesday: Draft of a sestina. Due Friday: typed free verse poem and typed haiku.
Wednesday: Final family metaphor poem (if not already turned in).
Thursday: Typed free verse poem and haiku.
Friday: Draft of a found poem.
Tuesday: Draft of a sestina. Typed free verse poem, typed haiku, and final family metaphor poem due Thursday.
Wednesday: Typed free verse, typed haiku, and final family metaphor poem.
Thursday: Typed sestina and typed diamante.
Homework for the Week of 10-4-10
FINALLY, the moment you've all been waiting for-- your regularly-scheduled homework update! Here is your homework for the week.
Monday: Reading: Extra credit due Wednesday (essay explaining which play you would rather perform-- Macbeth, A Midsummer Night's Dream, or Romeo and Juliet-- and why). Begin your bravery assignment (due Thursday). Language Arts: Typed family metaphor poem due Wednesday. Final version of ode due Thursday.
Tuesday: Reading: Prepare for your speaking role in the trial scene, and complete the Open Mind activity. Time yourself reading your bravery report-- is it 1-2 minutes? Extra credit (Shakespeare essay) due tomorrow. Language Arts: Typed family metaphor poem.
Wednesday: Reading: Completed bravery report. Language Arts: Final ode turned in tomorrow for a project grade!
Thursday: Reading: Read chapters 20 and 21 for Socratic Seminar. Prepare 5 questions or comments for discussion. Language Arts: GUM page 189.
Friday: Reading: Complete self-identity artwork. Bravery presentations will be on Tuesday. Reader response letters also due Tuesday. Language Arts: Final family metaphor poem due Monday for a project grade! GUM p. 195.
Monday: Complete a draft of a free verse poem. Final version of ode due Wednesday.
Tuesday: Final version of your ode due for a project grade. Be sure to go over the checklist and make sure it's perfect!
Wednesday: Complete, clean, updated draft of your free verse poem.
Thursday: Drafts of three haiku.
Friday: Final version of your family metaphor poem due Tuesday. Be sure to go over the checklist and make sure it's perfect!
Tuesday: Draft of a free verse poem. Final ode due Tuesday 10-12-10.
Wednesday: GUM page 114, part 2.
Thursday: Final ode due Tuesday. Haiku draft due Tuesday.
Monday: Reading: Extra credit due Wednesday (essay explaining which play you would rather perform-- Macbeth, A Midsummer Night's Dream, or Romeo and Juliet-- and why). Begin your bravery assignment (due Thursday). Language Arts: Typed family metaphor poem due Wednesday. Final version of ode due Thursday.
Tuesday: Reading: Prepare for your speaking role in the trial scene, and complete the Open Mind activity. Time yourself reading your bravery report-- is it 1-2 minutes? Extra credit (Shakespeare essay) due tomorrow. Language Arts: Typed family metaphor poem.
Wednesday: Reading: Completed bravery report. Language Arts: Final ode turned in tomorrow for a project grade!
Thursday: Reading: Read chapters 20 and 21 for Socratic Seminar. Prepare 5 questions or comments for discussion. Language Arts: GUM page 189.
Friday: Reading: Complete self-identity artwork. Bravery presentations will be on Tuesday. Reader response letters also due Tuesday. Language Arts: Final family metaphor poem due Monday for a project grade! GUM p. 195.
Monday: Complete a draft of a free verse poem. Final version of ode due Wednesday.
Tuesday: Final version of your ode due for a project grade. Be sure to go over the checklist and make sure it's perfect!
Wednesday: Complete, clean, updated draft of your free verse poem.
Thursday: Drafts of three haiku.
Friday: Final version of your family metaphor poem due Tuesday. Be sure to go over the checklist and make sure it's perfect!
Tuesday: Draft of a free verse poem. Final ode due Tuesday 10-12-10.
Wednesday: GUM page 114, part 2.
Thursday: Final ode due Tuesday. Haiku draft due Tuesday.
Summer Assignment
All students received summer homework on the last day of school! If you were not present, you should come to school and pick up your materials, or click here to view your literacy assignment.
Homework for the Week of 5-24-10
I hope sixth and eighth grade both have lots of fun on their field trips this week!
Monday: Read pages 35-39 and answer As You Read 1-3 on p. 35 and Review #2 on page 40.
Thursday: Read 46-47 and complete As You Read 1-3 on page 46. Study for quiz Friday!
Friday: Read “The Paleontologist and the Three Dinosaurs” and answer questions.
Monday: Read pages 35-39 and answer As You Read 1-3 on p. 35 and Review #2 on page 40.
Tuesday: Read 46-47 and complete As You Read 1-3 on page 46. Study for quiz Friday!
Friday: Read “The Paleontologist and the Three Dinosaurs” and answer questions.
Wednesday: Complete “Phosphates Showdown.”
Monday: Read pages 35-39 and answer As You Read 1-3 on p. 35 and Review #2 on page 40.
Thursday: Read 46-47 and complete As You Read 1-3 on page 46. Study for quiz Friday!
Friday: Read “The Paleontologist and the Three Dinosaurs” and answer questions.
Monday: Read pages 35-39 and answer As You Read 1-3 on p. 35 and Review #2 on page 40.
Tuesday: Read 46-47 and complete As You Read 1-3 on page 46. Study for quiz Friday!
Friday: Read “The Paleontologist and the Three Dinosaurs” and answer questions.
Wednesday: Complete “Phosphates Showdown.”
Thursday: Study for unit test.
Friday: Complete Lake Effect Self-Assessment.
Tuesday: Complete “Phosphates Showdown.”
Thursday: Complete Lake Effect Self-Assessment.
Tuesday: Study for test tomorrow! Complete lab notes.
Friday: Complete Lake Effect Self-Assessment.
Tuesday: Complete “Phosphates Showdown.”
Thursday: Complete Lake Effect Self-Assessment.
Tuesday: Study for test tomorrow! Complete lab notes.
Wednesday: Complete Career Reflection worksheet.
Thursday: Complete Career Reflection worksheet.
Homework for the Week of 5-17-10
Monday: Read "Have Shell, Will Travel" and answer questions.
Wednesday: Draw a diagram of the model you created in class. Examine the diagram on page 21. Use the diagram in the book to help you label each part of your drawing with the real-life features it represents.
Thursday: : Label your map with areas where fossils might be located. Next to each marking you make, explain your thoughts— why would you be likely to find fossils there?
Friday: Read pages 25 and 26 and answer “As You Read” questions 1 and 3 on page 25.
Monday: Read pages 14-17 and complete As You Read questions 1-3 on page 14.
Tuesday: Draw a diagram of the model you created in class. Examine the diagram on page 21. Use the diagram in the book to help you label each part of your drawing with the real-life features it represents.
Wednesday: : Label your map with areas where fossils might be located. Next to each marking you make, explain your thoughts— why would you be likely to find fossils there?
Friday: Read pages 25 and 26 and answer “As You Read” questions 1 and 3 on page 25.
Wednesday: Read “Home Water Use” and complete questions. Write a 1-3 minute podcast script on the topic you chose. Extra credit: Complete the Home Water Audit.
Monday: Read "Have Shell, Will Travel" and answer questions.
Wednesday: Draw a diagram of the model you created in class. Examine the diagram on page 21. Use the diagram in the book to help you label each part of your drawing with the real-life features it represents.
Thursday: : Label your map with areas where fossils might be located. Next to each marking you make, explain your thoughts— why would you be likely to find fossils there?
Friday: Read pages 25 and 26 and answer “As You Read” questions 1 and 3 on page 25.
Monday: Read pages 14-17 and complete As You Read questions 1-3 on page 14.
Tuesday: Draw a diagram of the model you created in class. Examine the diagram on page 21. Use the diagram in the book to help you label each part of your drawing with the real-life features it represents.
Wednesday: : Label your map with areas where fossils might be located. Next to each marking you make, explain your thoughts— why would you be likely to find fossils there?
Friday: Read pages 25 and 26 and answer “As You Read” questions 1 and 3 on page 25.
Wednesday: Read “Home Water Use” and complete questions. Write a 1-3 minute podcast script on the topic you chose. Extra credit: Complete the Home Water Audit.
Thursday: Make any needed revisions to your podcast script. Write at least one interview question to use in video interview event.
Friday: Read “Dry Weather has Great Lakes Levels Dropping Again” and complete Article Summary worksheet.
Tuesday: Read “Home Water Use” and complete questions. Write a 1-3 minute podcast script on the topic you chose. Extra credit: Complete the Home Water Audit.
Wednesday: Make any needed revisions to your podcast script. Write at least one interview question to use in video interview event.
Thursday: Read “Dry Weather has Great Lakes Levels Dropping Again” and complete Article Summary worksheet.
Tuesday: Complete your lab notes for "The Ins and Outs of Groundwater."
Friday: Read “Dry Weather has Great Lakes Levels Dropping Again” and complete Article Summary worksheet.
Tuesday: Read “Home Water Use” and complete questions. Write a 1-3 minute podcast script on the topic you chose. Extra credit: Complete the Home Water Audit.
Wednesday: Make any needed revisions to your podcast script. Write at least one interview question to use in video interview event.
Thursday: Read “Dry Weather has Great Lakes Levels Dropping Again” and complete Article Summary worksheet.
Tuesday: Complete your lab notes for "The Ins and Outs of Groundwater."
Wednesday: Read A102-A105. Define: point source pollution, non-point source pollution, contamination plume.
Thursday: Complete your lab notes for "The Ins and Outs of Groundwater."
Friday:Read A102-A105. Define: point source pollution, non-point source pollution, contamination plume.
The Groundwater Story
This week in eighth grade, we are watching one of my all-time favorite science videos. I love it because 1) it does a great job of explaining what groundwater is and why it is important, and 2) it's so cheesy.
For your viewing pleasure: The Groundwater Story.
For your viewing pleasure: The Groundwater Story.
Homework for the Week of 5-10-10
Please note-- as we have Benchmark testing this week, we may have some schedule changes that affect homework assignments. Be sure to email Ms. Ewing if you're not sure about something.
Monday: Fossilization Cloze.
Wednesday: Read procedural steps 2 and 3 on pages 12 and 13 to prepare for this week's lab.
Thursday: Complete the procedure, results, and conclusions portions of your lab notes.
Friday: Read pages 14-17 and complete As You Read questions 1-3 on page 14.
Tuesday: Fossilization Cloze. Also, read procedural steps 2 and 3 on pages 12 and 13 to prepare for this week's lab.
Wednesday: Complete the procedure, results, and conclusions portions of your lab notes.
Friday: Read pages 14-17 and complete As You Read questions 1-3 on page 14.
Wednesday: Read "Growing Concern in the Water" and complete an Article Summary Worksheet.
Monday: Fossilization Cloze.
Wednesday: Read procedural steps 2 and 3 on pages 12 and 13 to prepare for this week's lab.
Thursday: Complete the procedure, results, and conclusions portions of your lab notes.
Friday: Read pages 14-17 and complete As You Read questions 1-3 on page 14.
Tuesday: Fossilization Cloze. Also, read procedural steps 2 and 3 on pages 12 and 13 to prepare for this week's lab.
Wednesday: Complete the procedure, results, and conclusions portions of your lab notes.
Friday: Read pages 14-17 and complete As You Read questions 1-3 on page 14.
Wednesday: Read "Growing Concern in the Water" and complete an Article Summary Worksheet.
Thursday: Complete Part I observations on the Water Quality Testing sheet.
Friday: Complete Part II observations on the Water Quality Testing sheet.
Tuesday: Read "Growing Concern in the Water" and complete an Article Summary Worksheet.
No class Wednesday, due to assembly.
Thursday: Complete your observations on the Water Quality Testing sheet.
Tuesday: Complete your lab notes for "Water Movement Through Earth Materials."
Friday: Complete Part II observations on the Water Quality Testing sheet.
Tuesday: Read "Growing Concern in the Water" and complete an Article Summary Worksheet.
No class Wednesday, due to assembly.
Thursday: Complete your observations on the Water Quality Testing sheet.
Tuesday: Complete your lab notes for "Water Movement Through Earth Materials."
Wednesday: Read pages A94-A96 and complete main idea notes.
Thursday: Complete your lab notes for "Water Movement Through Earth Materials."
Friday:Read pages A94-A96 and complete main idea notes.
The Lake Effect!
I am thrilled to announce that the new seventh-grade blog on Lake Michigan Conservation, The Lake Effect, has just been launched and officially has its first post! Check it out!
Homework for the Week of 5-3-10
Wednesday: Complete the Fossils pre-assessment worksheet.
Thursday: Read page 4 and complete As You Read 1-3 in your notebook.
Friday: Read pages 5 and 6 and complete As You Read 4-6 on page 4.
Monday: Read pages 65-68 and and answer Review questions 1-3 on page 69.
Tuesday: Complete the Fossils pre-assessment worksheet.
Wednesday: Read page 4 and complete As You Read 1-3 in your notebook.
Friday: Read pages 5 and 6 and complete As You Read 4-6 on page 4.
Wednesday: Choose one of the lake-related news articles and complete an Article Summary Worksheet.
Wednesday: Complete the Fossils pre-assessment worksheet.
Thursday: Read page 4 and complete As You Read 1-3 in your notebook.
Friday: Read pages 5 and 6 and complete As You Read 4-6 on page 4.
Monday: Read pages 65-68 and and answer Review questions 1-3 on page 69.
Tuesday: Complete the Fossils pre-assessment worksheet.
Wednesday: Read page 4 and complete As You Read 1-3 in your notebook.
Friday: Read pages 5 and 6 and complete As You Read 4-6 on page 4.
Wednesday: Choose one of the lake-related news articles and complete an Article Summary Worksheet.
Thursday: Choose an article on invasive species and complete an Article Summary Worksheet.
Friday: Choose three of the vocabulary words from class to complete a vocabulary four-square.
Tuesday: Choose one of the lake-related news articles and complete an Article Summary Worksheet.
Wednesday: Choose an article on invasive species and complete an Article Summary Worksheet.
Thursday: Choose three of the vocabulary words from class to complete a vocabulary four-square.
Tuesday: Read A86-A87 and answer questions on page A88.
Friday: Choose three of the vocabulary words from class to complete a vocabulary four-square.
Tuesday: Choose one of the lake-related news articles and complete an Article Summary Worksheet.
Wednesday: Choose an article on invasive species and complete an Article Summary Worksheet.
Thursday: Choose three of the vocabulary words from class to complete a vocabulary four-square.
Tuesday: Read A86-A87 and answer questions on page A88.
Wednesday: Read "Stolen Mercury in Arkansas" article and respond to questions.
Thursday: Read A86-A87 and answer questions on page A88.
Friday: Read "Stolen Mercury in Arkansas" article and respond to questions.
What is a podcast?
In the month of May, seventh-graders will be undergoing an exciting research project on Lake Michigan. As part of this project, they will be recording podcasts and publishing them online.
A podcast is a little bit like a radio show. It can be on any topic and include any kind of content. However, instead of being broadcast on the radio, it is available on the internet for people to listen to online or download onto an MP3 player.This will be a new experience for us, but students all over the country are already using podcasts to learn and share information! Here are some examples of podcasts to check out:
A podcast is a little bit like a radio show. It can be on any topic and include any kind of content. However, instead of being broadcast on the radio, it is available on the internet for people to listen to online or download onto an MP3 player.This will be a new experience for us, but students all over the country are already using podcasts to learn and share information! Here are some examples of podcasts to check out:
- Radio WillowWeb from students at Willowdale Elementary
- WJJL Radio from students at Mill Creek Elementary
- "60-Second Science" from Scientific American
Rock Cycle Notes
This week, the sixth grade is learning about the rock cycle and the types of rocks found on our planet. In case you missed some of the notes during the PowerPoint presentation in class, you can click here to view the presentation again.
Homework for the Week of 4-26-10
Monday: Use your textbook glossary to define the word “subduction” in your notebook. Read pages 48 and 49. In your notebook, answer question #1 on page 50.
Wednesday: Rocks Illustrated worksheet.
Thursday: Rock Cycle worksheet.
Friday: Complete unit test study guide.
Monday: Use your textbook glossary to define the word “subduction” in your notebook. Read pages 48 and 49. In your notebook, answer question #1 on page 50.
Tuesday: Rocks Illustrated worksheet.
Wednesday: Rock Cycle worksheet.
Friday: Complete unit test study guide.
Thursday: Complete the Lake Effect project sheet and fill in the "My Questions" portion at the end.
Friday: Begin looking for outside resources to include in your blog post. Write at least one in your notebook.
Tuesday: Complete the Lake Effect project sheet and fill in the "My Questions" portion at the end.
Wednesday: Write a one-paragraph podcast script on the topic of evolution.
Thursday: Begin looking for outside resources to include in your blog post. Write at least one in your notebook.
Tuesday: Write a thank you letter to Mr. Swiercz. Complete the groundwater pre-assessment worksheet.
Wednesday: Read pages A81-A84. In your notebook, write at least one paragraph in response to the question on A84.
Thursday: Write a thank you letter to Mr. Swiercz. Complete the groundwater pre-assessment worksheet.
Friday: Read pages A81-A84. In your notebook, write at least one paragraph in response to the question on A84.
Monday: Use your textbook glossary to define the word “subduction” in your notebook. Read pages 48 and 49. In your notebook, answer question #1 on page 50.
Wednesday: Rocks Illustrated worksheet.
Thursday: Rock Cycle worksheet.
Friday: Complete unit test study guide.
Monday: Use your textbook glossary to define the word “subduction” in your notebook. Read pages 48 and 49. In your notebook, answer question #1 on page 50.
Tuesday: Rocks Illustrated worksheet.
Wednesday: Rock Cycle worksheet.
Friday: Complete unit test study guide.
Thursday: Complete the Lake Effect project sheet and fill in the "My Questions" portion at the end.
Friday: Begin looking for outside resources to include in your blog post. Write at least one in your notebook.
Tuesday: Complete the Lake Effect project sheet and fill in the "My Questions" portion at the end.
Wednesday: Write a one-paragraph podcast script on the topic of evolution.
Thursday: Begin looking for outside resources to include in your blog post. Write at least one in your notebook.
Tuesday: Write a thank you letter to Mr. Swiercz. Complete the groundwater pre-assessment worksheet.
Wednesday: Read pages A81-A84. In your notebook, write at least one paragraph in response to the question on A84.
Thursday: Write a thank you letter to Mr. Swiercz. Complete the groundwater pre-assessment worksheet.
Friday: Read pages A81-A84. In your notebook, write at least one paragraph in response to the question on A84.
Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Having trouble visualizing how a volcano erupts or what it's like to be in a volcano? Here are some great web resources to help you out.
- Check out virtual labs, photographs, and case studies of volcanoes and earthquakes (and hurricanes and tornadoes!) (from National Geographic)
- Photographs of earthquakes from throughout history (from the U.S. Geological Survey)
- Explore volcanoes all over the world, and build a virtual volcano (from Discovery Kids)
- An illustrated explanation of why earthquakes occur (from the U.S. Geological Survey)
Homework for the Week of 4-19-10
I look forward to seeing some of you during report card pick up day this week!
Thursday: In your notebook, complete "As You Read" 1-4 on page 46.
Friday: Complete an article summary sheet based on your chosen news article.
Tuesday: In your notebook, complete "As You Read" 1-4 on page 46.
Friday: Complete an article summary sheet based on your chosen news article.
Thursday: Complete the Evolution Evidence graphic organizer-- review your notes to help you!
Friday: Read F65-F69 and complete Analysis #1 and #5 on pages F70-F71.
Tuesday: Complete the Evolution Evidence graphic organizer-- review your notes to help you!
Thursday: Read F65-F69 and complete Analysis #1 and #5 on pages F70-F71.
Tuesday: Complete the Birdhouse Design Planning Sheet and the Birdhouse Reflective Response.
Thursday: Complete the Birdhouse Design Planning Sheet
Friday: Complete the Birdhouse Reflective Response.
Thursday: In your notebook, complete "As You Read" 1-4 on page 46.
Friday: Complete an article summary sheet based on your chosen news article.
Tuesday: In your notebook, complete "As You Read" 1-4 on page 46.
Friday: Complete an article summary sheet based on your chosen news article.
Thursday: Complete the Evolution Evidence graphic organizer-- review your notes to help you!
Friday: Read F65-F69 and complete Analysis #1 and #5 on pages F70-F71.
Tuesday: Complete the Evolution Evidence graphic organizer-- review your notes to help you!
Thursday: Read F65-F69 and complete Analysis #1 and #5 on pages F70-F71.
Tuesday: Complete the Birdhouse Design Planning Sheet and the Birdhouse Reflective Response.
Thursday: Complete the Birdhouse Design Planning Sheet
Friday: Complete the Birdhouse Reflective Response.
Morphing Ancient Creatures
You may know how the chicken crossed the road, but do you know how a turkey became a turkey? Visit this interactive from the National Geographic Channel to find out more about the ancient ancestors of some common animals.
(If you lost the assignment that goes along with this activity, click here to download a copy.)
P.S. Some people wanted to re-watch the video on whale evolution we saw in class. If you'd like to see it again, here it is!
(If you lost the assignment that goes along with this activity, click here to download a copy.)
P.S. Some people wanted to re-watch the video on whale evolution we saw in class. If you'd like to see it again, here it is!
Homework for the Week of 4-12-10
Monday: Find dictionary definitions of "diverge" and "converge" and write them in your notebook. Read pages 30-32 to prepare for this week's lab. QUIZ FRIDAY!! Be sure to review your study guide.
Wednesday: Complete your purpose, hypothesis, procedure, and Part A results in your lab notes.
Thursday: Complete Part B results and conclusion in your lab notes.
Friday: Read pages 35-39 and use the information to complete the Plate Movements concept map.
Monday: Find dictionary definitions of "diverge" and "converge" and write them in your notebook. Read pages 30-32 to prepare for this week's lab. QUIZ FRIDAY!! Be sure to review your study guide.
Tuesday: Complete your purpose, hypothesis, procedure, and Part A results in your lab notes.
Wednesday: Complete Part B results and conclusion in your lab notes.
Friday: Read pages 35-39 and use the information to complete the Plate Movements concept map.
Wednesday: Complete Evolution Cloze worksheet.
Thursday: In your notebook, answer Analysis 3 and 4 on page F60.
Friday: "Morph Ancient Creatures" online activity (due Friday April 23).
Tuesday: Complete Evolution Cloze worksheet.
Wednesday: In your notebook, answer Analysis 3 and 4 on page F60.
Thursday: "Morph Ancient Creatures" online activity (due Thursday April 22).
Tuesday: Read "Travel Alert for Migratory Birds" and complete two-column main idea notes.
Wednesday: Read the Chicago Bird Agenda and answer questions.
Thursday: Read "Travel Alert for Migratory Birds" and complete two-column main idea notes.
Friday: Read the Chicago Bird Agenda and answer questions.
Monday: Find dictionary definitions of "diverge" and "converge" and write them in your notebook. Read pages 30-32 to prepare for this week's lab. QUIZ FRIDAY!! Be sure to review your study guide.
Wednesday: Complete your purpose, hypothesis, procedure, and Part A results in your lab notes.
Thursday: Complete Part B results and conclusion in your lab notes.
Friday: Read pages 35-39 and use the information to complete the Plate Movements concept map.
Monday: Find dictionary definitions of "diverge" and "converge" and write them in your notebook. Read pages 30-32 to prepare for this week's lab. QUIZ FRIDAY!! Be sure to review your study guide.
Tuesday: Complete your purpose, hypothesis, procedure, and Part A results in your lab notes.
Wednesday: Complete Part B results and conclusion in your lab notes.
Friday: Read pages 35-39 and use the information to complete the Plate Movements concept map.
Wednesday: Complete Evolution Cloze worksheet.
Thursday: In your notebook, answer Analysis 3 and 4 on page F60.
Friday: "Morph Ancient Creatures" online activity (due Friday April 23).
Tuesday: Complete Evolution Cloze worksheet.
Wednesday: In your notebook, answer Analysis 3 and 4 on page F60.
Thursday: "Morph Ancient Creatures" online activity (due Thursday April 22).
Tuesday: Read "Travel Alert for Migratory Birds" and complete two-column main idea notes.
Wednesday: Read the Chicago Bird Agenda and answer questions.
Thursday: Read "Travel Alert for Migratory Birds" and complete two-column main idea notes.
Friday: Read the Chicago Bird Agenda and answer questions.
Eating Like a Bird
Why do birds have different beaks? Visit the website of the Smithsonian National Zoological Park to find out and test your knowledge!
Homework for the Week of 4-5-10
Welcome back! I hope you all had a safe, relaxing and fun spring break. And lucky you, you have a four-day week: there will be no class this Friday due to professional development.
This is also the last week of the third quarter, so if you have any questions or issues with any of your assignments be sure to let me know ASAP!
Monday: Read pages 22-24 to prepare for this week's lab.
Wednesday: Complete purpose, hypothesis, and procedure sections of your lab notes.
Thursday: Read pages 25-28 and answer "As You Read" 1-3 on page 25.
Monday: Read pages 22-24 to prepare for this week's lab.
Tuesday: Complete purpose, hypothesis, and procedure sections of your lab notes.
Wednesday: Read pages 25-28 and answer "As You Read" 1-3 on page 25.
Wednesday: Read F45-F48 and answer the "Stopping to Think" questions in your notebook.
Thursday: Complete #9 on page F43 and use the graph to answer Analysis 1 and 2 on page F44 in your notebook.
Tuesday: Read F45-F48 and answer the "Stopping to Think" questions in your notebook (due Thursday).
Wednesday: Complete #9 on page F43 and use the graph to answer Analysis 1 and 2 on page F44 in your notebook.
Thursday: Read F49-F51 and answer Analysis questions on page F51.
Tuesday: Complete "Next Steps/We Need" sheet.
Wednesday: Read "A Meal Plan for Birds" and complete two-column main idea notes.
Thursday: Read "A Meal Plan for Birds" and complete two-column main idea notes.
This is also the last week of the third quarter, so if you have any questions or issues with any of your assignments be sure to let me know ASAP!
Monday: Read pages 22-24 to prepare for this week's lab.
Wednesday: Complete purpose, hypothesis, and procedure sections of your lab notes.
Thursday: Read pages 25-28 and answer "As You Read" 1-3 on page 25.
Monday: Read pages 22-24 to prepare for this week's lab.
Tuesday: Complete purpose, hypothesis, and procedure sections of your lab notes.
Wednesday: Read pages 25-28 and answer "As You Read" 1-3 on page 25.
Wednesday: Read F45-F48 and answer the "Stopping to Think" questions in your notebook.
Thursday: Complete #9 on page F43 and use the graph to answer Analysis 1 and 2 on page F44 in your notebook.
Tuesday: Read F45-F48 and answer the "Stopping to Think" questions in your notebook (due Thursday).
Wednesday: Complete #9 on page F43 and use the graph to answer Analysis 1 and 2 on page F44 in your notebook.
Thursday: Read F49-F51 and answer Analysis questions on page F51.
Tuesday: Complete "Next Steps/We Need" sheet.
Wednesday: Read "A Meal Plan for Birds" and complete two-column main idea notes.
Thursday: Read "A Meal Plan for Birds" and complete two-column main idea notes.
Extra Credit Opportunities!
Here it is, the moment you've all been waiting for... extra credit! This time around I am offering a few different options to earn some extra points. All of these assignments are due Monday, April 5 and you can complete no more than two.
- Option 1: Complete one of these home demos from one of my favorite scientists, Bill Nye. Write one page explaining what you did, how it worked, what you observed, and what you learned.
- Option 2: Read an article from Science News for Kids and write a one-page summary. Hint: To write a quality summary, remember the Five Ws-- who is the article about? What happened? Where? When? Why?
- Option 3: Take a look at NASA's Image of the Day files. Choose an image that captures your attention. Create a response to the image. Your response can be artistic (for example, a poem, story, or painting) or factual (further research about the subject, its history, why it is important, etc).
- Option 4: Suggest something! If you have an idea for something extra you would like to do, let me know and I will consider it.
Ancient Organisms
Let's take a tour through time! This interactive from the Field Museum will allow us to catch a peek at Earth as it was millions and millions of years ago. As you travel through each period-- from the Precambrian to the present-- watch closely as the organisms change as the planet changes around them.
Homework for the Week of 3-22-10
Monday: No homework due to field trip... how lucky for you!
Wednesday: Read pages 56 and 57 and answer As You Read questions 1-3 on page 56.
Thursday: In your notebook, define the following words: adaptation, epoch, geologist, glacier, magma. Complete a four-square for one of the words of your choice. (Write the word in one corner, an example in another, a sentence in another, and create an illustration in the last square.)
Friday: Read the article "Ancient Heights" and answer questions.
Monday: No homework due to field trip... how lucky for you!
Tuesday: Read pages 56 and 57 and answer As You Read questions 1-3 on page 56.
Wednesday: In your notebook, define the following words: adaptation, epoch, geologist, glacier, magma. Complete a four-square for one of the words of your choice. (Write the word in one corner, an example in another, a sentence in another, and create an illustration in the last square.)
Friday: Read the article "Ancient Heights" and answer questions.
Wednesday: Analysis questions 1-3 on page F36.
Thursday: Complete lab notes.
Friday: Read the article "The man who rocked biology to its core" and answer questions.
Tuesday: Analysis questions 1-3 on page F36.
Wednesday: Complete Analysis questions 4 and 5 on page F40.
(No class on Thursday due to the Spring Assembly.)
Tuesday: Make all necessary changes to your blueprint.
Wednesday: Read "Crows Carry Cameras for Science" and complete two-column main idea notes.
Thursday: Make all necessary changes to your blueprint.
Friday: Read "Crows Carry Cameras for Science" and complete two-column main idea notes.
Monday: No homework due to field trip... how lucky for you!
Wednesday: Read pages 56 and 57 and answer As You Read questions 1-3 on page 56.
Thursday: In your notebook, define the following words: adaptation, epoch, geologist, glacier, magma. Complete a four-square for one of the words of your choice. (Write the word in one corner, an example in another, a sentence in another, and create an illustration in the last square.)
Friday: Read the article "Ancient Heights" and answer questions.
Monday: No homework due to field trip... how lucky for you!
Tuesday: Read pages 56 and 57 and answer As You Read questions 1-3 on page 56.
Wednesday: In your notebook, define the following words: adaptation, epoch, geologist, glacier, magma. Complete a four-square for one of the words of your choice. (Write the word in one corner, an example in another, a sentence in another, and create an illustration in the last square.)
Friday: Read the article "Ancient Heights" and answer questions.
Wednesday: Analysis questions 1-3 on page F36.
Thursday: Complete lab notes.
Friday: Read the article "The man who rocked biology to its core" and answer questions.
Tuesday: Analysis questions 1-3 on page F36.
Wednesday: Complete Analysis questions 4 and 5 on page F40.
(No class on Thursday due to the Spring Assembly.)
Tuesday: Make all necessary changes to your blueprint.
Wednesday: Read "Crows Carry Cameras for Science" and complete two-column main idea notes.
Thursday: Make all necessary changes to your blueprint.
Friday: Read "Crows Carry Cameras for Science" and complete two-column main idea notes.
Homework for the Week of 3-15-10
Monday: "What do you know about Earth's structure?" worksheet
Wednesday: Read pages 4-6. In your notebook, answer "As You Read" questions on page 4.
Thursday: Complete lab notes for seismic wave lab.
Friday: "Earth's Interior" worksheet.
Monday: "What do you know about Earth's structure?" worksheet
Tuesday: Read pages 4-6. In your notebook, answer "As You Read" questions on page 4.
Wednesday: Complete lab notes for seismic wave lab.
Friday: "Earth's Interior" worksheet.
Wednesday: Changes Over Time worksheet.
Thursday: In your notebook, complete Analysis 1 and 4B on pages F17 and F18.
Friday: Write a paragraph in response to Analysis question #4 on page F10.
Tuesday: Changes Over Time worksheet.
Wednesday: In your notebook, complete Analysis 1 and 4B on pages F17 and F18.
Thursday: Write a paragraph in response to Analysis question #4 on page F10.
Tuesday: Answer birdhouse design questions in your notebook.
Wednesday: Complete your final blueprints and materials list.
Thursday: Answer birdhouse design questions in your notebook.
Friday: Complete your final blueprints and materials list.
Monday: "What do you know about Earth's structure?" worksheet
Wednesday: Read pages 4-6. In your notebook, answer "As You Read" questions on page 4.
Thursday: Complete lab notes for seismic wave lab.
Friday: "Earth's Interior" worksheet.
Monday: "What do you know about Earth's structure?" worksheet
Tuesday: Read pages 4-6. In your notebook, answer "As You Read" questions on page 4.
Wednesday: Complete lab notes for seismic wave lab.
Friday: "Earth's Interior" worksheet.
Wednesday: Changes Over Time worksheet.
Thursday: In your notebook, complete Analysis 1 and 4B on pages F17 and F18.
Friday: Write a paragraph in response to Analysis question #4 on page F10.
Tuesday: Changes Over Time worksheet.
Wednesday: In your notebook, complete Analysis 1 and 4B on pages F17 and F18.
Thursday: Write a paragraph in response to Analysis question #4 on page F10.
Tuesday: Answer birdhouse design questions in your notebook.
Wednesday: Complete your final blueprints and materials list.
Thursday: Answer birdhouse design questions in your notebook.
Friday: Complete your final blueprints and materials list.
Journey to a Black Hole
What happens when a star dies and collapses? If it was a very massive star, it might becomes a black hole: an object with gravity so strong that nothing can escape it-- not even light. What would it be like to travel through space to a black hole? Let's find out!
Graphs Made Easy
Being able to make and interpret graphs is an important part of science and math. Sometimes doing it the old-fashioned way-- with markers and graph paper-- can be fun, but it can also be frustrating. Have you ever tried Create-A-Graph? It's a wonderful tool that can help you make graphs and charts easily. Give it a try!
Homework for the Week of 3-8-10
Monday: Read "Galaxies far, far away" and complete main idea notes in your notebook.
Wednesday: Create a graph showing the results of our Big Bang modeling activity.
Thursday: Finish any remaining lab notes from our Big Bang modeling activity.
Friday: Complete your constellation drawing and myth. Astronomy unit test Monday!
Monday: Read "Galaxies far, far away" and complete main idea notes in your notebook.
Tuesday: Create a graph showing the results of our Big Bang modeling activity.
Wednesday: Finish any remaining lab notes from our Big Bang modeling activity.
Friday: Complete your constellation drawing and myth. Astronomy unit test Monday!
Wednesday: Read "How do astronomers measure the scale of the universe?" and answer questions.
Thursday: Read "What is a black hole?" and complete two-column main idea notes in your notebook.
Friday: Read "Who Was Edwin Hubble?" and answer questions.
Tuesday: Read "How do astronomers measure the scale of the universe?" and answer questions.
Wednesday: Read "What is a black hole?" and complete two-column main idea notes in your notebook.
Thursday: Read "Who Was Edwin Hubble?" and answer questions.
Tuesday: Read the bird species backgrounds for the eight species given, choose one or two that interest you, and write a paragraph in your notebook explaining why.
Wednesday: Create a rough-draft sketch of what your birdhouse might look like.
Thursday: Read the bird species backgrounds for the eight species given, choose one or two that interest you, and write a paragraph in your notebook explaining why.
Friday: Create a rough-draft sketch of what your birdhouse might look like.
Monday: Read "Galaxies far, far away" and complete main idea notes in your notebook.
Wednesday: Create a graph showing the results of our Big Bang modeling activity.
Thursday: Finish any remaining lab notes from our Big Bang modeling activity.
Friday: Complete your constellation drawing and myth. Astronomy unit test Monday!
Monday: Read "Galaxies far, far away" and complete main idea notes in your notebook.
Tuesday: Create a graph showing the results of our Big Bang modeling activity.
Wednesday: Finish any remaining lab notes from our Big Bang modeling activity.
Friday: Complete your constellation drawing and myth. Astronomy unit test Monday!
Wednesday: Read "How do astronomers measure the scale of the universe?" and answer questions.
Thursday: Read "What is a black hole?" and complete two-column main idea notes in your notebook.
Friday: Read "Who Was Edwin Hubble?" and answer questions.
Tuesday: Read "How do astronomers measure the scale of the universe?" and answer questions.
Wednesday: Read "What is a black hole?" and complete two-column main idea notes in your notebook.
Thursday: Read "Who Was Edwin Hubble?" and answer questions.
Tuesday: Read the bird species backgrounds for the eight species given, choose one or two that interest you, and write a paragraph in your notebook explaining why.
Wednesday: Create a rough-draft sketch of what your birdhouse might look like.
Thursday: Read the bird species backgrounds for the eight species given, choose one or two that interest you, and write a paragraph in your notebook explaining why.
Friday: Create a rough-draft sketch of what your birdhouse might look like.
Puzzling Over Pluto

A funny cartoon by Gary Brookins of the Richmond Times-Dispatch, a newspaper in Virginia.
More political cartoons about Pluto can be found here. I wonder if my students can come up with any of their own?
Red Rover, Red Rover!
This week, sixth-graders are learning about rovers, those special robots that have allowed us to learn so much about Mars!
How does a rover actually work? Visit this NASA site to find out about the parts that help Spirit and Opportunity do their jobs.
How do you help the rover land safely on the planet's surface? Go here to experiment with what kind of parachute works best.
Now that you have a better understanding of the technical details, it's time to design your own space mission. Send me a postcard!
Homework for the Week of March 2, 2010
Wednesday: Read "Icy Red Planet" and answer questions in your notebook.
Thursday: Write out the purpose, hypothesis, and procedure sections of your lab notes.
Friday: Read Chile earthquake news article and complete two-column main idea notes.
Tuesday: Read "Icy Red Planet" and answer questions.
Wednesday: Read Chile earthquake news article and complete two-column main idea notes.
223 & 225
Your only homework this week is to work on your Interplanetary Travel Agency project! 225 due date: end of class Thursday, March 4. 223 due date: end of class Friday, March 5.
Over the weekend, read Test Stress: Conquer Test Day Panic.
Tuesday: Complete lab notes for battery building lab.
Wednesday: Answer question at the bottom of C36. Read C42-C46 and answer question #1 on page C46.
Thursday: Complete lab notes for battery building lab.
Friday: Answer question at the bottom of C36. Read C42-C46 and answer question #1 on page C46.
Wednesday: Read "Icy Red Planet" and answer questions in your notebook.
Thursday: Write out the purpose, hypothesis, and procedure sections of your lab notes.
Friday: Read Chile earthquake news article and complete two-column main idea notes.
Tuesday: Read "Icy Red Planet" and answer questions.
Wednesday: Read Chile earthquake news article and complete two-column main idea notes.
223 & 225
Your only homework this week is to work on your Interplanetary Travel Agency project! 225 due date: end of class Thursday, March 4. 223 due date: end of class Friday, March 5.
Over the weekend, read Test Stress: Conquer Test Day Panic.
Tuesday: Complete lab notes for battery building lab.
Wednesday: Answer question at the bottom of C36. Read C42-C46 and answer question #1 on page C46.
Thursday: Complete lab notes for battery building lab.
Friday: Answer question at the bottom of C36. Read C42-C46 and answer question #1 on page C46.
Homework for the Week of 2-22-10
Monday: Moon Phases worksheet
Wednesday: Write purpose, hypothesis, and procedure in lab notes
Thursday: Complete lab notes
Friday: All About the Equinox reading and two-column notes
Monday: Moon Phases worksheet
Tuesday: Write purpose, hypothesis, and procedure in lab notes
Wednesday: Complete lab notes
Friday: All About the Equinox reading and two-column notes
Wednesday: Welcome to Our Solar System worksheet
Thursday: Complete lab notes.
Friday: Week in Review sheet
Tuesday: Welcome to Our Solar System worksheet
Wednesday: Complete lab notes.
Friday: Week in Review sheet
Tuesday: Complete lab notes.
Wednesday: Idea Inventory
Thursday: Complete lab notes.
Friday: Idea Inventory
Monday: Moon Phases worksheet
Wednesday: Write purpose, hypothesis, and procedure in lab notes
Thursday: Complete lab notes
Friday: All About the Equinox reading and two-column notes
Monday: Moon Phases worksheet
Tuesday: Write purpose, hypothesis, and procedure in lab notes
Wednesday: Complete lab notes
Friday: All About the Equinox reading and two-column notes
Wednesday: Welcome to Our Solar System worksheet
Thursday: Complete lab notes.
Friday: Week in Review sheet
Tuesday: Welcome to Our Solar System worksheet
Wednesday: Complete lab notes.
Friday: Week in Review sheet
Tuesday: Complete lab notes.
Wednesday: Idea Inventory
Thursday: Complete lab notes.
Friday: Idea Inventory
Data for Moon Observation Record
For the Moon Observation Record that 6th graders are doing this week, part of the assignment is to use information from the United States Naval Observatory. Here is the link you need! Good luck!
Homework for the Week of 2-16-10
Wednesday: Read "Astronomy Traditions Around the World" and complete Venn diagram in your notebook comparing & contrasting ancient astronomy and modern astronomy.
Thursday: Complete lab notes for Moon Jumping lab.
Friday: Complete Moon Observation Record.
Tuesday: Read "Astronomy Traditions Around the World" and complete Venn diagram in your notebook comparing & contrasting ancient astronomy and modern astronomy.
Wednesday: Complete lab notes for Moon Jumping lab.
Friday: Complete Moon Observation Record.
Wednesday: Rock Cycle comic strip.
Thursday: Complete lab questions for rock cycle simulation lab.
Friday: Complete Radioactive Dating home activity.
Tuesday: Rock Cycle comic strip.
Wednesday: Complete lab questions for rock cycle simulation lab.
Friday: Complete Radioactive Dating home activity.
Tuesday: Complete your lab notes for the Measuring Thermal Energy lab.
Wednesday: Read C26-C29 to prepare for next week's lab activity.
Thursday: Complete your lab notes for the Measuring Thermal Energy lab.
Friday: Read C26-C29 to prepare for next week's lab activity.
Wednesday: Read "Astronomy Traditions Around the World" and complete Venn diagram in your notebook comparing & contrasting ancient astronomy and modern astronomy.
Thursday: Complete lab notes for Moon Jumping lab.
Friday: Complete Moon Observation Record.
Tuesday: Read "Astronomy Traditions Around the World" and complete Venn diagram in your notebook comparing & contrasting ancient astronomy and modern astronomy.
Wednesday: Complete lab notes for Moon Jumping lab.
Friday: Complete Moon Observation Record.
Wednesday: Rock Cycle comic strip.
Thursday: Complete lab questions for rock cycle simulation lab.
Friday: Complete Radioactive Dating home activity.
Tuesday: Rock Cycle comic strip.
Wednesday: Complete lab questions for rock cycle simulation lab.
Friday: Complete Radioactive Dating home activity.
Tuesday: Complete your lab notes for the Measuring Thermal Energy lab.
Wednesday: Read C26-C29 to prepare for next week's lab activity.
Thursday: Complete your lab notes for the Measuring Thermal Energy lab.
Friday: Read C26-C29 to prepare for next week's lab activity.
Orbits and More Orbits
Want to see how the planets look in orbit? Check out this great solar system simulator to see how the planets move. Press the play button at the top to get it going. Zoom out to see the planets that are farthest from the sun.
And if you've ever wondered how moving planets around would affect the delicate balance of orbit, try this simulator that lets you click and drag planets around and see what happens.
And if you've ever wondered how moving planets around would affect the delicate balance of orbit, try this simulator that lets you click and drag planets around and see what happens.
Homework for the Week of 2-8-10
Crazy schedule this week!
Monday: Fill in the "Question" and "Procedure" columns of your Shakin' Up Space worksheet.
Wednesday: Complete your graph of each planet's distance from the sun vs. length of year.
Monday: Fill in the "Question" and "Procedure" columns of your Shakin' Up Space worksheet.
Tuesday: Complete your graph of each planet's distance from the sun vs. length of year.
Wednesday: Read article on the dwarf planet Eris and answer questions on a looseleaf sheet of paper.
Wednesday: Sea Floor Spreading worksheet.
Tuesday: Sea Floor Spreading worksheet.
Wednesday: Rock Cycle worksheet.
Tuesday: Complete your lab notes for ice melting lab.
Wednesday: Draw a design of your Ultimate Rubber Band Car and explain how you would maximize potential energy if you had unlimited materials.
Wednesday: Complete your graph of each planet's distance from the sun vs. length of year.
Monday: Fill in the "Question" and "Procedure" columns of your Shakin' Up Space worksheet.
Tuesday: Complete your graph of each planet's distance from the sun vs. length of year.
Wednesday: Read article on the dwarf planet Eris and answer questions on a looseleaf sheet of paper.
Wednesday: Sea Floor Spreading worksheet.
Tuesday: Sea Floor Spreading worksheet.
Wednesday: Rock Cycle worksheet.
Tuesday: Complete your lab notes for ice melting lab.
Wednesday: Draw a design of your Ultimate Rubber Band Car and explain how you would maximize potential energy if you had unlimited materials.
Homework for the Week of 2-1-2010
Monday: Fill in your planet's information on your Planet Guide.
Wednesday: Complete "Welcome to Our Solar System!" worksheet.
Thursday: Complete your lab notes for the moon phases activity.
Friday: Read "The Lunar Cycle" and complete the As You Read questions.
Monday: Fill in your planet's information on your Planet Guide.
Tuesday: Complete "Welcome to Our Solar System!" worksheet.
Wednesday: Complete your lab notes for the moon phases activity.
Friday: Read "The Lunar Cycle" and complete the As You Read questions.
Wednesday: Classification practice worksheet.
Thursday: Study for ecology test.
Friday: Structure of the Earth worksheet.
Tuesday: Classification practice worksheet.
Wednesday: Study for ecology test!
Thursday: Structure of the Earth worksheet.
Tuesday: Write your purpose, hypothesis, and procedure for the energy transfer lab.
Wednesday: Potential Vs. Kinetic worksheet.
Thursday: Complete lab notes for the ice melting lab.
Friday: Potential Vs. Kinetic worksheet.
Wednesday: Complete "Welcome to Our Solar System!" worksheet.
Thursday: Complete your lab notes for the moon phases activity.
Friday: Read "The Lunar Cycle" and complete the As You Read questions.
Monday: Fill in your planet's information on your Planet Guide.
Tuesday: Complete "Welcome to Our Solar System!" worksheet.
Wednesday: Complete your lab notes for the moon phases activity.
Friday: Read "The Lunar Cycle" and complete the As You Read questions.
Wednesday: Classification practice worksheet.
Thursday: Study for ecology test.
Friday: Structure of the Earth worksheet.
Tuesday: Classification practice worksheet.
Wednesday: Study for ecology test!
Thursday: Structure of the Earth worksheet.
Tuesday: Write your purpose, hypothesis, and procedure for the energy transfer lab.
Wednesday: Potential Vs. Kinetic worksheet.
Thursday: Complete lab notes for the ice melting lab.
Friday: Potential Vs. Kinetic worksheet.
Homework for the Week of 1-25-10
Monday: Complete "Dissecting a Weather Forecast" worksheet.
Wednesday: Use your topic tally from our in-class review game to study for your test tomorrow!
Thursday: Complete "What do you know about astronomy?" worksheet.
Monday: Complete "Dissecting a Weather Forecast" worksheet.
Tuesday: Use your topic tally from our in-class review game to study for your test tomorrow!
Wednesday: Complete "What do you know about astronomy?" worksheet.
Wednesday: Read "Lake Invaders" and answer the questions in your notebook.
Tuesday: Read "Lake Invaders" and answer the questions in your notebook.
Wednesday: Read E43-E47 and answer the "Stopping to Think" questions.
Tuesday: Complete your lab notes for the aluminum-copper reaction lab.
Wednesday: Read pages B120-B123 and answer the questions on page B123.
Thursday: Complete your Waste Management Plan.
Wednesday: Use your topic tally from our in-class review game to study for your test tomorrow!
Thursday: Complete "What do you know about astronomy?" worksheet.
Monday: Complete "Dissecting a Weather Forecast" worksheet.
Tuesday: Use your topic tally from our in-class review game to study for your test tomorrow!
Wednesday: Complete "What do you know about astronomy?" worksheet.
Wednesday: Read "Lake Invaders" and answer the questions in your notebook.
Tuesday: Read "Lake Invaders" and answer the questions in your notebook.
Wednesday: Read E43-E47 and answer the "Stopping to Think" questions.
Tuesday: Complete your lab notes for the aluminum-copper reaction lab.
Wednesday: Read pages B120-B123 and answer the questions on page B123.
Thursday: Complete your Waste Management Plan.
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