Policies and Documents

Language Arts Assignments and Documents"

Literacy Assignments and Documents:

Grading Policies:
The Pershing West grading scale is as follows:
  • 100-90: A
  • 89-80: B
  • 79-70: C
  • 69-60: D
  • Below 60: F

 Language arts grade breakdown:
  • Classwork: 25%
  •  Homework: 25%
  •  Tests and Quizzes: 15%
  •  Participation: 15%
  •  Projects: 20%
Literacy grade breakdown:

  • Classwork: 20%
  •  Homework: 10%
  •  Participation: 10%
  •  Word Study: 20%
  •  Reading & Response: 20%
  •  Tests & Quizzes: 20%
Sorry, but I don't accept late work except in cases of an excused absence. Work that is assigned to be typed MUST be typed, or they will receive half credit. Students are welcome to type before school, after school, during lunch, or during workshop time in the classroom.