Homework for the Week of 5-16-11

This week will bring the premiere of Freedom Riders, a fantastic new documentary about the fight to desegregate buses in the south during the Civil Rights Movement. Check it out at 9 p.m. on Monday, May 16, or 3 p.m. on Tuesday, May 17. You can learn a lot more at the website, too.

Monday: Research assignment: watch Freedom Riders or read excerpts from companion book and respond to questions. (Due Wednesday.) 
Tuesday: Freedom Riders research assignment due tomorrow.

Wednesday: Context collage for a vocabulary word of your choice.

Thursday: You Be the Teacher proposal due.

Friday: Read The Media and the Freedom Rides and create a Media Metaphors collage (collecting and compiling media reports on an issue, analyzing images and language used to report).

Language Arts:

219: Active/passive voice practice.
213: Parts of speech practice.

219: Direct/indirect object practice.
213: Homophone practice.
225: GUM pages 55 and 56.

219: Parts of speech review.
213: Confused/misused words review.
225: Parts of speech review.

219: Week’s review: direct/indirect objects, parts of speech, active/passive voice.
213: Subject-verb agreement practice.
225: Watch Freedom Riders clip and write one-page reflection.

219: Finding and annotating an example of the chosen genre.
213: Usage review (exempt if quiz was passed).