Homework for the Week of 10-4-10

FINALLY, the moment you've all been waiting for-- your regularly-scheduled homework update! Here is your homework for the week.

Monday: Reading: Extra credit due Wednesday (essay explaining which play you would rather perform-- Macbeth, A Midsummer Night's Dream, or Romeo and Juliet-- and why). Begin your bravery assignment (due Thursday). Language Arts: Typed family metaphor poem due Wednesday. Final version of ode due Thursday.
Tuesday: Reading: Prepare for your speaking role in the trial scene, and complete the Open Mind activity. Time yourself reading your bravery report-- is it 1-2 minutes? Extra credit (Shakespeare essay) due tomorrow. Language Arts: Typed family metaphor poem.
Wednesday: Reading: Completed bravery report. Language Arts: Final ode turned in tomorrow for a project grade!
Thursday: Reading: Read chapters 20 and 21 for Socratic Seminar. Prepare 5 questions or comments for discussion. Language Arts: GUM page 189.
Friday: Reading: Complete self-identity artwork. Bravery presentations will be on Tuesday. Reader response letters also due Tuesday. Language Arts: Final family metaphor poem due Monday for a project grade! GUM p. 195.

Monday: Complete a draft of a free verse poem. Final version of ode due Wednesday.
Tuesday: Final version of your ode due for a project grade. Be sure to go over the checklist and make sure it's perfect!
Wednesday: Complete, clean, updated draft of your free verse poem.
Thursday: Drafts of three haiku.
Friday: Final version of your family metaphor poem due Tuesday. Be sure to go over the checklist and make sure it's perfect!

Tuesday: Draft of a free verse poem. Final ode due Tuesday 10-12-10.
Wednesday: GUM page 114, part 2.
Thursday: Final ode due Tuesday. Haiku draft due Tuesday.