Homework for the Week of 10-18-10

Hi everyone! Before you turn in the final versions of any poems, remember to review the checklist that I will use to grade you.


Monday: Reading: Review study guide for To Kill A Mockingbird final exam, which will be Wednesday. Language Arts: Due next Monday: FINAL sestina, haiku, free verse, and found poem.

Tuesday: Reading: Word Study page 39. To Kill A Mockingbird test tomorrow!! Language Arts: Complete a draft of an apology poem.

Wednesday: Reading: Work on To Kill A Mockingbird project. "Mental Movie" worksheet (from independent reading) due tomorrow. Language Arts: GUM quiz tomorrow.

Thursday: Reading: Bring materials to work on To Kill A Mockingbird project in class on Monday. Language Arts: Due Monday: FINAL sestina, haiku, free verse, and found poem.

Monday: Complete a draft of an apology poem. Due next Monday: FINAL sestina, haiku, free verse, and found poem.

Tuesday: Typed apology poem due Thursday.

Wednesday: Draft of elegy. Typed apology poem.

Thursday: FINAL sestina, haiku, free verse, and found poems.


Tuesday: Complete a draft of an apology poem. Due next Tuesday: FINAL free verse, haiku, sestina, and diamante poems.

Wednesday: Quiz tomorrow on proper nouns/proper adjectives, capitalization, apostrophes, commas, colons, and semicolons. Due next Tuesday: FINAL free verse, haiku, sestina, and diamante poems.

Thursday: Due next Tuesday: FINAL free verse, haiku, sestina, and diamante poems.