Homework for the Week of 11-1-10

I hope you had a safe and fun Halloween! Before you turn in the final versions of any poems, remember to review the checklist that I will use to grade you.

Monday: Reading: "Finding Main Ideas and Details" worksheet. Language Arts: Due Wednesday: FINAL sestina, haiku, free verse, and bliss/misery poem.
Tuesday: Reading: "Determining Summaries" worksheet. Language Arts: FINAL sestina, haiku, free verse, and bliss/misery poem.
Wednesday: Reading: Word Study page 49. Language Arts: Pantoum draft (doesn't need to be typed).
Thursday: Reading: Word study quiz on lessons 7 and 8 tomorrow. Visit Spelling City to study! Read "The Courthouse Ring" and prepare 3 discussion questions for Socratic Seminar. Language Arts: Quiz tomorrow: apostrophes, your/you're, they're/there/their.

Friday: Reading: Complete part 1 of The Outsiders anticipation guide. Language Arts: Prepare for two-voice poem presentations next week.

Monday: Final apology, free verse, haiku, and sestina due Wednesday.
Tuesday: Final apology, free verse, haiku, and sestina.

Wednesday: Pantoum draft (does not have to be typed).

Thursday: Draft of "where I'm from" poem.

Friday: Prepare for two-voice poem presentations next week.


Tuesday: Final haiku, sestina, and diamante poems due Thursday.

Wednesday: Final haiku, sestina, and diamante.

Thursday: Due Tuesday: drafts of "where I'm from," couplets, and pantoums.