Extra Credit Opportunities!

Here it is, the moment you've all been waiting for... extra credit! This time around I am offering a few different options to earn some extra points. All of these assignments are due Monday, April 5 and you can complete no more than two.

  • Option 1: Complete one of these home demos from one of my favorite scientists, Bill Nye. Write one page explaining what you did, how it worked, what you observed, and what you learned.
  • Option 2: Read an article from Science News for Kids and write a one-page summary. Hint: To write a quality summary, remember the Five Ws-- who is the article about? What happened? Where? When? Why?
  • Option 3: Take a look at NASA's Image of the Day files. Choose an image that captures your attention. Create a response to the image. Your response can be artistic (for example, a poem, story, or painting) or factual (further research about the subject, its history, why it is important, etc).
  • Option 4: Suggest something! If you have an idea for something extra you would like to do, let me know and I will consider it.