Homework for the Week of 5-3-10

Wednesday: Complete the Fossils pre-assessment worksheet.
Thursday: Read page 4 and complete As You Read 1-3 in your notebook.
Friday: Read pages 5 and 6 and complete As You Read 4-6 on page 4.

Monday: Read pages 65-68 and and answer Review questions 1-3 on page 69.
Tuesday: Complete the Fossils pre-assessment worksheet.
Wednesday: Read page 4 and complete As You Read 1-3 in your notebook.
Friday: Read pages 5 and 6 and complete As You Read 4-6 on page 4.

Wednesday: Choose one of the lake-related news articles and complete an Article Summary Worksheet.
Thursday: Choose an article on invasive species and complete an Article Summary Worksheet.
Friday: Choose three of the vocabulary words from class to complete a vocabulary four-square.

Tuesday: Choose one of the lake-related news articles and complete an Article Summary Worksheet.
Wednesday: Choose an article on invasive species and complete an Article Summary Worksheet.
Thursday: Choose three of the vocabulary words from class to complete a vocabulary four-square.

Tuesday: Read A86-A87 and answer questions on page A88.
Wednesday: Read "Stolen Mercury in Arkansas" article and respond to questions.

Thursday: Read A86-A87 and answer questions on page A88.
Friday: Read "Stolen Mercury in Arkansas" article and respond to questions.