Homework for the Week of 3-8-11

I hope you enjoyed the long weekend, and you're back and ready to rock the ISAT!


Tuesday: Vocabulary skill builder on pages 139 and 140. Complete examples for Stem List 5.
Wednesday: Read Warriors Don’t Cry chapters 13 and 14 and complete take-home quiz on chapters 12-14.
Thursday: Read Warriors Don’t Cry chapters 15 and 16. Word study quiz tomorrow.
Friday: Questions on irony from “Cartoon Corner” section of Junior Scholastic.

Language Arts


219:  For Friday, have informational material about the college of your choice.
213: GUM lesson 68 part 3.
225: Free write.

219: Proofread your classroom newsletter article. For Friday, have informational material about the college of your choice.
213: Free write.
225: Final expository essay due Tuesday 3-15.

219: Free write. Bring informational material about the college of your choice.
213: Lesson 68 on page 284.
225: Final expository essay due Tuesday 3-15.

219: Lesson 67 practice, p. 284.
213: Essay typed by Tuesday.