Can you believe that third quarter is coming to an end?! If you'd like to make up an assignment, I will gladly accept one re-do of your choice by 4 p.m. on Thursday, March 31. (Eighth graders, for you this offer extends to one assignment per class, i.e. you can do one for language arts, one for literacy, et cetera).
Monday: In play journal: Open Mind for Romeo at the end of Act I, Scene 1.
Tuesday: Read Act I, Scene 3 and complete Speech Bubbles dialogue summary.
Wednesday: Play journal entry on Romeo’s words from Act I, Scene 4 (p. 58): “You have dancing shoes with nimble souls, I have a soul of lead so stakes me to the ground I cannot move” and “Is love a tender thing? It is too rough, too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like a thorn.”
Thursday: Read Wiegle adaptation of Act I (optional). Write a passage in any genre using lesson 25 vocabulary.
Language Arts
219: Complete draft of essay.
213: Defining the lesson/purpose/significance/so what of the memoir draft.
219: Blue sheets for 3rd quarter portfolio due Thursday.
213: Finished first draft of memoir.
225: Read journalism vocabulary sheet and prepare for quiz on terms.
213: Bring in an image or image concept to complement your memoir.
225: GUM lesson 5 part 3, page 16.
219: Autobiographical timeline.
213: Listening and responding to audio memoirs from “This I Believe” or StoryCorps.
225: News article analysis
Monday: In play journal: Open Mind for Romeo at the end of Act I, Scene 1.
Tuesday: Read Act I, Scene 3 and complete Speech Bubbles dialogue summary.
Wednesday: Play journal entry on Romeo’s words from Act I, Scene 4 (p. 58): “You have dancing shoes with nimble souls, I have a soul of lead so stakes me to the ground I cannot move” and “Is love a tender thing? It is too rough, too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like a thorn.”
Thursday: Read Wiegle adaptation of Act I (optional). Write a passage in any genre using lesson 25 vocabulary.
Language Arts
219: Complete draft of essay.
213: Defining the lesson/purpose/significance/so what of the memoir draft.
219: Blue sheets for 3rd quarter portfolio due Thursday.
213: Finished first draft of memoir.
225: Read journalism vocabulary sheet and prepare for quiz on terms.
213: Bring in an image or image concept to complement your memoir.
225: GUM lesson 5 part 3, page 16.
219: Autobiographical timeline.
213: Listening and responding to audio memoirs from “This I Believe” or StoryCorps.
225: News article analysis