Homework for the Week of 3-21-11

Monday: Vocabulary skill practice.
Tuesday: Share Romeo and Juliet note home.
Wednesday: Shakespeare and Elizabethan England take-home quiz.
Thursday: Questions about the prologue of Romeo and Juliet.
Friday: Read Act 1, Scene 2 and list major plot events in play journal.

Language Arts:

219: Haiku festival entries (extra credit).
213: Autobiographical timeline.

219: Completed/revised persuasive speech planner.
213: “I Dare You” paragraph.
225: Quiz on diagramming direct and indirect objects.

219: “I Dare You” paragraphs.
213: Haiku festival entries (extra credit).
225: Haiku festival entries (extra credit).

219: Hyphens and parentheses quiz.
213: Listening and responding to audio memoirs from “This I Believe” or StoryCorps (due Monday).
225: Free write.

219: Evaluating student persuasive essay samples using rubric.
213: Listening and responding to audio memoirs from “This I Believe” or StoryCorps (due Monday).