Homework for the Week of 3-14-11


Monday: Stem List 6 (stems and meanings are provided; students generate examples).

Tuesday: Finish Warriors Don’t Cry. Quiz on chapters 15-18.
Wednesday: “Little Rock 10” draft, with explanation of theme and chapter(s) being represented. (Final version due Monday.)
Thursday: For Socratic Seminar, complete gender roles survey.
Friday: Final “Little Rock 10” narrative (as text, audio, or video).

Language Arts


219: Write 5 sentences correctly using hyphens and parentheses (your choice of combinations).
213: Youth violence essay typed for tomorrow.

219: Completed draft of “my gift to the world” essay. Quiz on hyphens/parentheses/dashes.
213: Final version of anti-violence essay.
225: Extra credit: interview notes (observing an interviewer on television or radio and their habits in asking questions).

219: Freshman English standards survey.
213: Final draft of “my gift to the world” essays due Friday.
225: GUM p. 16, part 3.

219: Prepare for expository presentations.
213: Final draft of “my gift to the world” essays.
225: “I Dare You” paragraph.

219: Sort papers for portfolio.
13: “I Dare You” paragraph.