Homework for the Week of 11-30-09

I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving!

Monday: Read pages 18-20. In your notebook, answer the "As You Read" questions on p. 18.
Wednesday: Complete your lab notes-- which weather forecast was the most accurate?
Thursday: Over the weekend, watch at least one weather report on television or read one in the newspaper or online. Aside from basic information like temperature and precipitation, what other information was included that seemed useful to you? Summarize and explain on a loose-leaf sheet of paper.

Read pages 18-20. In your notebook, answer the "As You Read" questions on p. 18.
Tuesday: Complete your lab notes-- which weather forecast was the most accurate?
Wednesday: Over the weekend, watch at least one weather report on television or read one in the newspaper or online. Aside from basic information like temperature and precipitation, what other information was included that seemed useful to you? Summarize and explain on a loose-leaf sheet of paper.


*Don't forget that if you are doing extra credit, December 4 is the last day!*

Wednesday: Read pages D34-D37. In your notebook, answer Stopping to Think #2 and Analysis #1.
Thursday: Begin your lab notes for "Plants Have Genes, Too!" by writing your purpose, hypothesis, and procedure. Leave at least one blank page for your results and conclusion. Complete SpongeBob Genetics worksheet.


*Don't forget that if you are doing extra credit, December 4 is the last day!*

Tuesday: Read pages D34-D37. In your notebook, answer Stopping to Think #2 and Analysis #1.
Wednesday: Begin your lab notes for "Plants Have Genes, Too!" by writing your purpose, hypothesis, and procedure. Leave at least one blank page for your results and conclusion.
Thursday: Complete SpongeBob Genetics worksheet.

Tuesday: Complete lab notes for the Properties of Materials lab.
Wednesday: Read pages B24-B25. Think of a sport or other human activity and write a paragraph explaining how developments in materials have improved or advanced that material over time. (For example, think of how changes in how basketball shoes are designed have affected the game over time.)

Thursday: Complete lab notes for the Properties of Materials lab. Read pages B24-B25.
Think of a sport or other human activity and write a paragraph explaining how developments in materials have improved or advanced that material over time. (For example, think of how changes in how basketball shoes are designed have affected the game over time.)