Homework for the Week of 12-7-09

Monday: In your notebook, answer #3 and #5 on page 13 of your textbook.
Wednesday: Write out your purpose, hypothesis, and procedure for Part I (testing how temperature affects the volume of air in a balloon) of this week's lab.
Thursday: Write out the procedure for Part II (making a thermometer) of this week's lab, and complete your results and conclusion sections.
Friday: Complete the Temperature Quick Review worksheet.

In your notebook, answer #3 and #5 on page 13 of your textbook.
Tuesday: Write out your purpose, hypothesis, and procedure for Part I (testing how temperature affects the volume of air in a balloon) of this week's lab.
Wednesday: Write out the procedure for Part II (making a thermometer) of this week's lab, and complete your results and conclusion sections.
Friday: Complete the Temperature Quick Review worksheet.

Wednesday: Complete your Scientific Method worksheet.
Thursday: Complete your flower illustration, including labeling the parts.
Friday: Create a graph showing the learning styles that make up our class. Think about what graph would be best for representing this kind of data!


Tuesday: Complete your Scientific Method worksheet.
Wednesday: Complete your flower illustration, including labeling the parts.
Thursday: Create a graph showing the learning styles that make up our class. Think about what graph would be best for representing this kind of data!


Tuesday: Write out the purpose, hypothesis, and procedure for the corrosion lab.
Wednesday: Read page B28 and complete the questions on B27.

Thursday: Write out the purpose, hypothesis, and procedure for the corrosion lab.
Friday: Read page B28 and complete the questions on B27.