Homework for the Week of 11-9-09

Monday: Read pages 55-59. In your notebook, answer #4 on page 60, in a paragraph of at least 6 sentences.
Thursday: Complete your lab notes for the windmill location lab.
Friday: Completed science fair projects due Monday morning! Review all important documents to make sure you have a finished product that reflects your best effort!

Read pages 55-59. In your notebook, answer #4 on page 60, in a paragraph of at least 6 sentences.
Tuesday: Complete your lab notes for the windmill location lab.
Friday: Completed science fair projects due Monday morning! Review all important documents to make sure you have a finished product that reflects your best effort!

Wednesday: Review lab procedure on pages C43-C46. In your lab notes, summarize the procedure in your own words. Lab notes will be due at the end of class on Friday!
Friday: Completed science fair projects due Monday morning! Review all important documents to make sure you have a finished product that reflects your best effort!

Tuesday: Review lab procedure on pages C43-C46. In your lab notes, summarize the procedure in your own words. Lab notes will be due at the end of class on Thursday!
Thursday: Completed science fair projects due Monday morning! Review all important documents to make sure you have a finished product that reflects your best effort!

Tuesday: Completed science fair projects due Monday morning! Review all important documents to make sure you have a finished product that reflects your best effort!

Thursday- Friday:
Completed science fair projects due Monday morning! Review all important documents to make sure you have a finished product that reflects your best effort!