Homework for the Week of 11-16-09

Monday: In your notebook, answer #3 on page 60, in a paragraph of at least 6 sentences. Review the text if you need to.
Thursday: Answer the last question from your worksheet on Global Warming: The Signs and the Science: Why is global warming considered a moral issue by some people?
Friday: Begin filling out your lesson plan outline with ideas you can share with your group. bring in any materials (visual aids, posterboard, etc.) you would like to use to prepare your lesson.

In your notebook, answer #3 on page 60, in a paragraph of at least 6 sentences. Review the text if you need to.
Tuesday: Answer the last question from your worksheet on Global Warming: The Signs and the Science: Why is global warming considered a moral issue by some people?
Friday: Begin filling out your lesson plan outline with ideas you can share with your group. bring in any materials (visual aids, posterboard, etc.) you would like to use to prepare your lesson.

Wednesday: Review for your quiz on cells. Read pages D16-D22. In your notebook, answer Analysis #1 on p. D23.
Friday: Choose someone you know personally and make a list of 15 traits they have (they can be physical traits, or personality traits). Circle the ones you think are genetic.

Tuesday: Review for your quiz on cells. Read pages D16-D22. In your notebook, answer Analysis #1 on p. D23.
Thursday: Choose someone you know personally and make a list of 15 traits they have (they can be physical traits, or personality traits). Circle the ones you think are genetic.

Tuesday: Complete Challenges on pages B9 and B11.

Complete your lab notes for the "thumbs" experiment.
Friday: Complete Challenges on pages B9 and B11.