Homework for the Week of 2-14-11

Happy Valentine's Day! And happy 3-weeks-until-ISAT!

Monday: Read chapters 4 and 5 of Warriors Don’t Cry.

Tuesday: Memorize lines for assembly. Make personal connotation notes in your vocabulary book for lesson 19.
Wednesday: Complete stem list 3 with examples.
Thursday: Read Warriors Don’t Cry chapter 6. Quiz on Warriors Don’t Cry chapters 4-6.
Friday: Extended response practice with expressly-stated personal goal/focus for improvement – “Learn About Physical Therapists.”

Language Arts


Finish contest entry (due Wednesday).

219: Sentence structure practice (writing examples).
213: Bring in a piece of expository text.
225: Diagramming compound subjects and compound predicates.

219: Complex phrase practice sheet.
213: Write various theses on a topic, reflecting different organizational structures.
225: Preposition illustrations.

219: Study for sentence structure quiz.
213/225: Complete a second expository graphic organizer. (It can be on the same topic, or a different one.)

Friday: Writing “ledes and kickers” with New York Times examples.