Webquest: Uncovering Cerebral Palsy

In this assignment, you will do research to learn more about cerebral palsy. This is the disease which causes Melody's disabilities in Out of My Mind.

You and your partner will explore the websites below for information about cerebral palsy. You will use this information to answer several questions. The questions are contained within a Microsoft Word document, and you will answer them in the document, save it, and turn it in electronically.

1. Click here to download the assignment. (Click File >> Download original.)
2. Open the document and click File >> Save As. Save the document with the name "Cerebral Palsy Research - [Your Names]." For example:  Cerebral Palsy Research - Deja and Marcus
3. Now you can write your answers directly into the document and save them as you go along. Make sure to save frequently! You can save quickly by pressing CTRL + S on the keyboard.
4. When you are done, email the document as an attachment to elewing@cps.edu. Use the title as your subject line (e.g. Cerebral Palsy Research - Deja and Marcus) so that it can be quickly identified as yours. If neither you nor your partner has an email address, let me know.

Research resources: