Homework for the Week of 1-24-11


Monday: Examples for common roots (Stem Practice #1). Poem memorized for Wednesday/Thursday. “It’s Greek to Me” game (extra credit-- print out your "medal" at the end as proof that you did it, or send me a screenshot).
Tuesday: Word study pages 103-105.
Wednesday: Word study quiz on lessons 15 and 16 and common Greek roots.
Thursday: Extended response practice with “My Sister, the Soldier.”

Language Arts

Free write.

219: Peer feedback evaluation.
213: Revising to find and replace clichés.
225: Free write.

219: Finalize interview questions and make arrangements to conduct your interview by Monday 1-31-11.
213: Finalize interview questions and make arrangements to conduct your interview by Monday 1-31-11.
225: “I Dare You” paragraph.

Narrative interview completed by Monday 1-31.