Homework for the Week of 1-31-11

Monday: Greek/Latin stems practice #2, identity chart

Tuesday: Jesus Colon extended response.
Wednesday: Write a passage in any genre that uses all 10 lesson 17 words correctly. (Underline each word.)
Thursday: Read Chapters 2 and 3 of Warriors Don’t Cry (quiz tomorrow).
Friday: Extended response practice.

Language Arts:
Complete narrative planning organizer based on your interview.
Make a plan for any follow-up questions you need to ask your interview subject in order to create a strong narrative.
 Complete narrative planning organizer based on your interview. Make a plan for any follow-up questions you need to ask your interview subject in order to create a strong narrative.

219/ 213:
Author biography analysis questions.
Diagramming quiz tomorrow.

Skills practice worksheets/
Final narrative essay.

Final narrative essay.

Homework for the Week of 1-24-11


Monday: Examples for common roots (Stem Practice #1). Poem memorized for Wednesday/Thursday. “It’s Greek to Me” game (extra credit-- print out your "medal" at the end as proof that you did it, or send me a screenshot).
Tuesday: Word study pages 103-105.
Wednesday: Word study quiz on lessons 15 and 16 and common Greek roots.
Thursday: Extended response practice with “My Sister, the Soldier.”

Language Arts

Free write.

219: Peer feedback evaluation.
213: Revising to find and replace clichés.
225: Free write.

219: Finalize interview questions and make arrangements to conduct your interview by Monday 1-31-11.
213: Finalize interview questions and make arrangements to conduct your interview by Monday 1-31-11.
225: “I Dare You” paragraph.

Narrative interview completed by Monday 1-31.

Homework for the Week of 1-18-11

Be sure to check out the extra credit opportunity I'm offering this week!

Tuesday: Word Study pp. 95-96. Quiz tomorrow on lessons 13 & 14 and prefixes/suffixes.
Wednesday: Scantron score reflection.
Thursday: Read Walking with the Wind and prepare 3 questions (inferential, evaluative, or analytic).
Friday: Fact vs. opinion practice passage and questions.

Language Arts:

Free write.

219: Avoiding Misplaced Modifiers worksheet.
213: Read GUM pages 39 and 41 and write 1 sentence of each type described (6 total).
225: Read GUM page 111 and write 2 sentences of each type described (8 total).
219: Diagramming practice.
213: Diagramming practice.
225: Interview assignment preliminary work (brainstorming subjects and questions).

Interview assignment preliminary work (brainstorming subjects and questions).

Language Arts Extra Credit!

I just got news of a great contest, and I will offer extra credit to anyone who prepares an entry! The contest is sponsored by Scholastic. The instructions are below. Due date: Monday, January 24. Must be typed.

Write an essay about a barrier that you have faced. Explain how you faced this barrier by using one or more of Jackie Robinson’s nine values:

* courage
* persistence
* justice
* determination
* integrity
* commitment
* teamwork
* excellence
* citizenship
Essays should be between 500 and 700 words. All essays must be factual and based on the student’s real-life experience.

More information can be found on Scholastic's website. However, please submit your entry to me-- do not submit it directly on the website!

Research Assignment: Notable Black Chicagoans

For this assignment, you will complete a first-person questionnaire about an African-American individual from Chicago who did something remarkable in his or her lifetime. You will be presenting your research results briefly for the rest of the class. If you have other ideas please suggest them, but the idea of this assignment is to learn more about people whose accomplishments you are unfamiliar with.

Cite your sources in MLA format: 
Author name (if available). Name of Site. Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site (sponsor or publisher), date of resource creation (if available). Medium of publication. Date of access.

Try using the EasyBib tool!

Possible subjects:

  • Carol Moseley Braun
  • Gwendolyn Brooks
  • Margaret Burroughs
  • Sam Cooke
  • Shani Davis
  • Jean-Baptiste Pointe DuSable
  • Fred Hampton
  • Lorraine Hansberry
  • Jesse Jackson
  • Mae Jemison
  • Herb Kent
  • Mavis Staples
  • Michelle Obama
  • Harold Washington
  • Muddy Waters
  • Ida B. Wells
  • Howlin' Wolf
  • Richard Wright

"I Have a Dream" Found Poem

This week, eighth-graders are creating found poems based on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech. There is a cool online tool available for you to do this-- check it out!

Homework for the Week of 1-10-11

Monday: _____’s Big Words; “I Have a Dream” found poem
Tuesday: Word study pages 89-90.
Wednesday: Study prefixes and suffixes. Word study pages 91-92.
Thursday: Study for word study test (Lesson 14 and roots/affixes).
Friday: Extended response practice: “Letter from Birmingham Jail” excerpt.

Language Arts:
Narrative essay second draft.

219: Evaluating peer review comments.
213: Evaluating peer review comments.
225: Dialogue practice sheet.

Study for technique quiz.

219: Complete planning sheet for narrative essay.
213: Complete planning sheet for narrative essay.
225: GUM pages 44 and 46.

Friday: Narrative project draft.

Webquest: Uncovering Cerebral Palsy

In this assignment, you will do research to learn more about cerebral palsy. This is the disease which causes Melody's disabilities in Out of My Mind.

You and your partner will explore the websites below for information about cerebral palsy. You will use this information to answer several questions. The questions are contained within a Microsoft Word document, and you will answer them in the document, save it, and turn it in electronically.

1. Click here to download the assignment. (Click File >> Download original.)
2. Open the document and click File >> Save As. Save the document with the name "Cerebral Palsy Research - [Your Names]." For example:  Cerebral Palsy Research - Deja and Marcus
3. Now you can write your answers directly into the document and save them as you go along. Make sure to save frequently! You can save quickly by pressing CTRL + S on the keyboard.
4. When you are done, email the document as an attachment to elewing@cps.edu. Use the title as your subject line (e.g. Cerebral Palsy Research - Deja and Marcus) so that it can be quickly identified as yours. If neither you nor your partner has an email address, let me know.

Research resources:

Homework for the Week of 1-3-11

Happy New Year!

Monday: Inference practice worksheet.
Tuesday: Study for Out of My Mind test.
Wednesday: Drawing conclusions practice worksheet.
Thursday: Story structure practice worksheet.
Friday: Out of My Mind extended response practice.

Language Arts:
Monday: Free write.
219: Point-of-view worksheet.
213: Point-of-view worksheet.
225: Free write.
Audience worksheet.
Paragraphing worksheet.
Completed second draft of narrative essay.