Homework for the Week of 5-24-10

I hope sixth and eighth grade both have lots of fun on their field trips this week!


Monday: Read pages 35-39 and answer As You Read 1-3 on p. 35 and Review #2 on page 40.
Thursday: Read 46-47 and complete As You Read 1-3 on page 46. Study for quiz Friday!
Friday: Read “The Paleontologist and the Three Dinosaurs” and answer questions.

Monday: Read pages 35-39 and answer As You Read 1-3 on p. 35 and Review #2 on page 40.
Tuesday: Read 46-47 and complete As You Read 1-3 on page 46. Study for quiz Friday!
Friday: Read “The Paleontologist and the Three Dinosaurs” and answer questions.

Wednesday: Complete “Phosphates Showdown.”
Thursday: Study for unit test.
Friday: Complete Lake Effect Self-Assessment.

Tuesday: Complete “Phosphates Showdown.”
Thursday: Complete Lake Effect Self-Assessment.

Tuesday: Study for test tomorrow! Complete lab notes.
Wednesday: Complete Career Reflection worksheet.

Thursday: Complete Career Reflection worksheet.

Homework for the Week of 5-17-10

Monday: Read "Have Shell, Will Travel" and answer questions.
Wednesday: Draw a diagram of the model you created in class. Examine the diagram on page 21. Use the diagram in the book to help you label each part of your drawing with the real-life features it represents.
Thursday: : Label your map with areas where fossils might be located. Next to each marking you make, explain your thoughts— why would you be likely to find fossils there?
Friday: Read pages 25 and 26 and answer “As You Read” questions 1 and 3 on page 25.

Monday: Read pages 14-17 and complete As You Read questions 1-3 on page 14.
Tuesday: Draw a diagram of the model you created in class. Examine the diagram on page 21. Use the diagram in the book to help you label each part of your drawing with the real-life features it represents.
Wednesday: : Label your map with areas where fossils might be located. Next to each marking you make, explain your thoughts— why would you be likely to find fossils there?
Friday: Read pages 25 and 26 and answer “As You Read” questions 1 and 3 on page 25.

Wednesday: Read “Home Water Use” and complete questions. Write a 1-3 minute podcast script on the topic you chose. Extra credit: Complete the Home Water Audit.
Thursday: Make any needed revisions to your podcast script. Write at least one interview question to use in video interview event.
Friday: Read “Dry Weather has Great Lakes Levels Dropping Again” and complete Article Summary worksheet.

Tuesday: Read “Home Water Use” and complete questions. Write a 1-3 minute podcast script on the topic you chose. Extra credit: Complete the Home Water Audit.
Wednesday: Make any needed revisions to your podcast script. Write at least one interview question to use in video interview event.
Thursday: Read “Dry Weather has Great Lakes Levels Dropping Again” and complete Article Summary worksheet.

Tuesday: Complete your lab notes for "The Ins and Outs of Groundwater."
Wednesday: Read A102-A105. Define: point source pollution, non-point source pollution, contamination plume.

Thursday: Complete your lab notes for "The Ins and Outs of Groundwater."
Friday:Read A102-A105. Define: point source pollution, non-point source pollution, contamination plume.

The Groundwater Story

This week in eighth grade, we are watching one of my all-time favorite science videos. I love it because 1) it does a great job of explaining what groundwater is and why it is important, and 2) it's so cheesy.

For your viewing pleasure: The Groundwater Story.

Homework for the Week of 5-10-10

Please note-- as we have Benchmark testing this week, we may have some schedule changes that affect homework assignments. Be sure to email Ms. Ewing if you're not sure about something.


Monday: Fossilization Cloze.
Wednesday: Read procedural steps 2 and 3 on pages 12 and 13 to prepare for this week's lab.
Thursday: Complete the procedure, results, and conclusions portions of your lab notes.
Friday: Read pages 14-17 and complete As You Read questions 1-3 on page 14.

Tuesday: Fossilization Cloze. Also, read procedural steps 2 and 3 on pages 12 and 13 to prepare for this week's lab.
Wednesday: Complete the procedure, results, and conclusions portions of your lab notes.
Friday: Read pages 14-17 and complete As You Read questions 1-3 on page 14.

Wednesday: Read "Growing Concern in the Water" and complete an Article Summary Worksheet.
Thursday: Complete Part I observations on the Water Quality Testing sheet.
Friday: Complete Part II observations on the Water Quality Testing sheet.

Tuesday: Read "Growing Concern in the Water" and complete an Article Summary Worksheet.
No class Wednesday, due to assembly.
Thursday: Complete your observations on the Water Quality Testing sheet.

Tuesday: Complete your lab notes for "Water Movement Through Earth Materials."
Wednesday: Read pages A94-A96 and complete main idea notes.

Thursday: Complete your lab notes for "Water Movement Through Earth Materials."
Friday:Read pages A94-A96 and complete main idea notes.

The Lake Effect!

I am thrilled to announce that the new seventh-grade blog on Lake Michigan Conservation, The Lake Effect, has just been launched and officially has its first post! Check it out!

Homework for the Week of 5-3-10

Wednesday: Complete the Fossils pre-assessment worksheet.
Thursday: Read page 4 and complete As You Read 1-3 in your notebook.
Friday: Read pages 5 and 6 and complete As You Read 4-6 on page 4.

Monday: Read pages 65-68 and and answer Review questions 1-3 on page 69.
Tuesday: Complete the Fossils pre-assessment worksheet.
Wednesday: Read page 4 and complete As You Read 1-3 in your notebook.
Friday: Read pages 5 and 6 and complete As You Read 4-6 on page 4.

Wednesday: Choose one of the lake-related news articles and complete an Article Summary Worksheet.
Thursday: Choose an article on invasive species and complete an Article Summary Worksheet.
Friday: Choose three of the vocabulary words from class to complete a vocabulary four-square.

Tuesday: Choose one of the lake-related news articles and complete an Article Summary Worksheet.
Wednesday: Choose an article on invasive species and complete an Article Summary Worksheet.
Thursday: Choose three of the vocabulary words from class to complete a vocabulary four-square.

Tuesday: Read A86-A87 and answer questions on page A88.
Wednesday: Read "Stolen Mercury in Arkansas" article and respond to questions.

Thursday: Read A86-A87 and answer questions on page A88.
Friday: Read "Stolen Mercury in Arkansas" article and respond to questions.