Global Focus Essay

In this assignment, you will write a persuasive essay to express your opinion on a real-life issue facing society today. You will use the same techniques and structure you have used for your previous persuasive essays; now you are simply applying your skills to a new situation.

Step 1: Choose a topic.
Step 2: Gather additional information on your topic. Try Google News to start.

Step 3: Plan out your essay. If you wish, you can use this persuasive essay planner.

Homework for the Week of 11-29-10

219 - Reading:

Monday: Write two paragraphs on any topic using any 20 words from Vocabulary Lessons 1-10. Underline the words. (Due Wednesday.) Word Study p. 69.
Tuesday: Write two paragraphs on any topic using any 20 words from Vocabulary Lessons 1-10. Underline the words. Read “Dream Variations” and write analytical, inferential, and evaluative questions. (Bonus: write your own poem in the manner of “Theme for English B.)
Wednesday: Study for The Outsiders comprehension quiz. Complete Open Mind for the character of your choice.
Thursday: Read Chapter 4 of The Outsiders and complete Answer Your Own Question! Word Study: “Write the Derivative,” pp. 71-72

219 - Language Arts

Monday: Completed chapbooks due (rolling deadline; through Thursday). Bring a colored pen for editing. Typed persuasive essay due Wednesday.
Tuesday: Completed chapbooks due (rolling deadline; through Thursday). Typed persuasive essay.
Wednesday: Completed chapbooks due (rolling deadline; through Thursday).
Thursday: Completed draft of global focus essay.

Monday: Typed persuasive essay (due Wednesday).
Tuesday: Typed persuasive essay.
Wednesday: Complete persuasive essay planner using the facts you gathered for your global focus essay.
Thursday: Completed draft of global focus essay.

Tuesday: Revised draft of persuasive essay, with counterpoint paragraph. Sentence structure and subject-verb agreement quiz tomorrow.
Wednesday: Quiz on subject-verb agreement.
Thursday: Typed persuasive essay.

Homework for the Week of 11-22-10

219 - Reading
Monday: Complete Question/Text Evidence/Response sheet with questions from Junior Scholastic
Tuesday: Read Chapter 3 of The Outsiders and choose a reflection question to respond to in one paragraph.
Wednesday: Poetry series research. (Students are responsible for finding a poet who interests them, three poems, and brief biographical information.)

Language Arts
Monday: Work on chapbook. (Final edition due November 29 - December 3.
Tuesday: Work on chapbook. (Final edition due November 29 - December 3.)
Wednesday:Typed draft of your persuasive essay. Final chapbook due November 29 - December 3.

Monday: Work on chapbook. (Due Wednesday at the latest.)
Tuesday: Final chapbook due tomorrow.
Wednesday:Typed draft of your persuasive essay.

Tuesday: Work on chapbook. (Final edition due November 30 - December 2.)
Wednesday: Complete a draft of your persuasive essay. Final chapbook due November 30-December 2.

Homework for the Week of 11-8-10

Enjoy your days off at the end of this week!

Monday: Reading: Word Study page 55. Language Arts: Practice for Poetry Cafe.
Tuesday: Reading: Word Study page 58. Language Arts: Practice for Poetry Cafe. 
Wednesday: Reading: Word Study pages 59 and 60. Language Arts: Performance piece for Poetry Cafe should be 100% memorized by Monday!

Monday: Draft of "I used to, but now" poem (not typed).
Tuesday: Turn in any poems on which you would like my feedback.
Wednesday: Work on chapbook (collect your pieces, type things that need to be typed, et cetera). 

Tuesday: Turn in any poems on which you would like my feedback.
Wednesday: Draft of bliss and misery poem. Work on chapbook (collect your pieces, type things that need to be typed, et cetera). 

Homework for the Week of 11-1-10

I hope you had a safe and fun Halloween! Before you turn in the final versions of any poems, remember to review the checklist that I will use to grade you.

Monday: Reading: "Finding Main Ideas and Details" worksheet. Language Arts: Due Wednesday: FINAL sestina, haiku, free verse, and bliss/misery poem.
Tuesday: Reading: "Determining Summaries" worksheet. Language Arts: FINAL sestina, haiku, free verse, and bliss/misery poem.
Wednesday: Reading: Word Study page 49. Language Arts: Pantoum draft (doesn't need to be typed).
Thursday: Reading: Word study quiz on lessons 7 and 8 tomorrow. Visit Spelling City to study! Read "The Courthouse Ring" and prepare 3 discussion questions for Socratic Seminar. Language Arts: Quiz tomorrow: apostrophes, your/you're, they're/there/their.

Friday: Reading: Complete part 1 of The Outsiders anticipation guide. Language Arts: Prepare for two-voice poem presentations next week.

Monday: Final apology, free verse, haiku, and sestina due Wednesday.
Tuesday: Final apology, free verse, haiku, and sestina.

Wednesday: Pantoum draft (does not have to be typed).

Thursday: Draft of "where I'm from" poem.

Friday: Prepare for two-voice poem presentations next week.


Tuesday: Final haiku, sestina, and diamante poems due Thursday.

Wednesday: Final haiku, sestina, and diamante.

Thursday: Due Tuesday: drafts of "where I'm from," couplets, and pantoums.