Homework for the Week of 10-26-09

Monday: Read pages 25-28.
Wednesday: Begin your lab notes by writing the Purpose and Hypothesis for the petroleum drilling lab.
Thursday: Complete your lab notes for the petroleum drilling lab.
Friday: Read pages 45-47 and answer Review and Reflect 1, 2, 4, and 8. Complete scientific method review questions.

Read pages 25-28.
Tuesday: Begin your lab notes by writing the Purpose and Hypothesis for the petroleum drilling lab.
Wednesday: Complete your lab notes for the petroleum drilling lab.
Friday: Read pages 45-47 and answer Review and Reflect 1, 2, 4, and 8. Complete scientific method review questions.

Wednesday: Light review practice questions (complete these in your notebook, please). Look over your study guide to prepare for Friday's test!
Thursday: Complete any unfinished part of your Light Stations worksheet. Keep this in your notebook to help you on the test!
Friday: Read "The Last Word on Phases of Matter" and "What Makes it Metal?" Read actively-- take notes, write in the margins, highlight, etc.

Tuesday: Light review practice questions (complete these in your notebook, please). Look over your study guide to prepare for Friday's test!
Wednesday: Complete any unfinished part of your Light Stations worksheet. Keep this in your notebook to help you on the test!
Thursday: Read "The Last Word on Phases of Matter" and "What Makes it Metal?" Read actively-- take notes, write in the margins, highlight, etc.

Tuesday: Complete lab notes for acid neutralization lab. Bring a liquid from home for pH testing. Extra Credit: Complete this activity on a loose-leaf sheet of paper and turn it in by next Wednesday, 11-4-09.
Wednesday: Read page A72. Write a procedure explaining how you would test the amount of sodium hydroxide needed to neutralize the "used" water. Reread page A52 if you need to.

Thursday: Complete lab notes for acid neutralization lab. Bring a liquid from home for pH testing. Extra Credit: Complete this activity on a loose-leaf sheet of paper and turn it in by next Thursday, 11-5-09.
Read page A72. Write a procedure explaining how you would test the amount of sodium hydroxide needed to neutralize the "used" water. Reread page A52 if you need to.