Homework for the Week of 10-26-09

Monday: Read pages 25-28.
Wednesday: Begin your lab notes by writing the Purpose and Hypothesis for the petroleum drilling lab.
Thursday: Complete your lab notes for the petroleum drilling lab.
Friday: Read pages 45-47 and answer Review and Reflect 1, 2, 4, and 8. Complete scientific method review questions.

Read pages 25-28.
Tuesday: Begin your lab notes by writing the Purpose and Hypothesis for the petroleum drilling lab.
Wednesday: Complete your lab notes for the petroleum drilling lab.
Friday: Read pages 45-47 and answer Review and Reflect 1, 2, 4, and 8. Complete scientific method review questions.

Wednesday: Light review practice questions (complete these in your notebook, please). Look over your study guide to prepare for Friday's test!
Thursday: Complete any unfinished part of your Light Stations worksheet. Keep this in your notebook to help you on the test!
Friday: Read "The Last Word on Phases of Matter" and "What Makes it Metal?" Read actively-- take notes, write in the margins, highlight, etc.

Tuesday: Light review practice questions (complete these in your notebook, please). Look over your study guide to prepare for Friday's test!
Wednesday: Complete any unfinished part of your Light Stations worksheet. Keep this in your notebook to help you on the test!
Thursday: Read "The Last Word on Phases of Matter" and "What Makes it Metal?" Read actively-- take notes, write in the margins, highlight, etc.

Tuesday: Complete lab notes for acid neutralization lab. Bring a liquid from home for pH testing. Extra Credit: Complete this activity on a loose-leaf sheet of paper and turn it in by next Wednesday, 11-4-09.
Wednesday: Read page A72. Write a procedure explaining how you would test the amount of sodium hydroxide needed to neutralize the "used" water. Reread page A52 if you need to.

Thursday: Complete lab notes for acid neutralization lab. Bring a liquid from home for pH testing. Extra Credit: Complete this activity on a loose-leaf sheet of paper and turn it in by next Thursday, 11-5-09.
Read page A72. Write a procedure explaining how you would test the amount of sodium hydroxide needed to neutralize the "used" water. Reread page A52 if you need to.

Periodic Table Practice

Here is an extra-credit opportunity for 7th-graders!

First, review how the Periodic Table works. Then, play the Element Math Game. Print out your results page at the end and bring it to me by Tuesday if you are in 225 or Wednesday if you are in 223, and you can receive some extra points. More importantly, you'll be better prepared for our test on matter and energy next week!

Homework for the Week of 10-19-09

My sincere apologies for not posting homework early this week. Due to Benchmark testing, we have had some scheduling issues this week, leading to last-minute changes in homework assignments. Below is the homework for this week. If you have questions or concerns, please email me!

Wednesday: Read pages 6-8. Complete "As You Read" questions on page 6.
Thursday: Complete lab notes as much as possible!
Friday: Answer "Review and Reflect" 2, 5, 6, and 10 on page 9.

Wednesday: Read pages 6-8. Complete "As You Read" questions on page 6.

Wednesday: Energy transformation practice questions (in your lab notebook).
Thursday: Complete all lab notes for the energy transfer lab. Notebook not collected until 10-30-09!

Tuesday: Energy transformation practice questions (in your lab notebook).
Wednesday: Complete all lab notes for the energy transfer lab.
Thursday: "Bending Light" at-home experiment.

Tuesday: Complete lab notes for indicator lab.
Complete acid rain worksheet (reading on one side; questions on the other).

Thursday: Complete lab notes for indicator lab. Lab notes not due until 10-30-09!

How Do We Make Drinking Water Drinkable?

Since we began our unit on water, the 8th grade has been exploring the chemistry of our favorite liquid. This week, we are learning about how chlorination is used to eliminate harmful substances in our drinking water.

To find out more, this week we will look at the City of Chicago Water Treatment website. Respond to the questions below on the Lab Debrief page of your science notebook.

1) The site tells us that water easily picks up pollutants and dangerous substances because it is a very good solvent. What is a solvent? Go here and write the definition you find. Then write the definition of solute. Draw a picture to help you remember which is which.

2) What is the concentration (in parts-per-million) of chemicals added to our drinking water?

3) Take a look at this Chicago water timeline. What year did engineers reverse the flow of the Chicago River to help keep Lake Michigan clean? What year did chlorination begin? Write your responses in complete sentences.

Homework for the Week of 10-13-09

I hope everyone enjoyed the three-day weekend!


Wednesday: Write out the procedure you plan to follow for your science fair project, and list the materials you will need. Use this guide to help you.
Thursday: Complete your remaining lab notes for our plant experiment, and study for your unit test!
Friday: "What is Energy?" worksheet.


Tuesday: Write out the procedure you plan to follow for your science fair project, and list the materials you will need. Use this guide to help you.
Wednesday: Complete your remaining lab notes for our plant experiment, and study for your unit test!
Friday: "What is Energy?" worksheet.


Wednesday: Complete review questions on atoms and matter (in your science notebook, please).
Thursday: Complete all lab notes for the electrolysis lab. Study for your quiz on matter and atoms!
Friday: "Elements and Compounds" worksheet. Also, if you have not done so already, write out the procedure you plan to follow for your science fair project, and list the materials you will need. Use this guide to help you.

Tuesday: Complete review questions on atoms and matter (in your science notebook, please).
Wednesday: Complete all lab notes for the electrolysis lab. Study for your quiz on matter and atoms!
Thursday: "Elements and Compounds" worksheet. Also, if you have not done so already, write out the procedure you plan to follow for your science fair project, and list the materials you will need. Use this guide to help you.

Tuesday: Complete lab notes for algae lab.
Read A33-A36. If you have not done so already, write out the procedure you plan to follow for your science fair project, and list the materials you will need. Use this guide to help you.


Thursday: Complete lab notes for algae lab.
Read A33-A36. If you have not done so already, write out the procedure you plan to follow for your science fair project, and list the materials you will need. Use this guide to help you.

Research Resources

Don't forget that your Review of Literature is due October 13!

This section of your science fair research paper is a collection of the information you've found (from books, articles, websites, or experts) covering your topic. You should already be rolling on your research, but in case you need some help, here are some resources you may find useful.

General Resources

--Before you have done anything else, make sure you have read all the important documents explaining the science fair so that you know what you're doing and where to begin.

--How do you do research, anyway? Here's your step-by-step guide. Be sure to try out the True or Bogus? game.

--You really need to check out the Chicago Public Library. Check out their wide variety of online resources, or find a library near you.

--For background information on your topic, you can start at the Encarta encyclopedia.

--Science Buddies is definitely one of my favorite science fair info sites.

--Although it includes advertisements, I'm a fan of the science section of How Stuff Works.

--The Internet Public Library has a good selection of science fair resources.

--At Dewey Browse, librarian Gail Shea Grainger has come up with a list of research resources she finds useful.

--Even more librarian-chosen, kid-friendly suggestions can be found at KidsClick.

--Science News for Kids has great articles that I often use in class.

--For help with correctly using APA style in your reference list, see my guide to citation or take a look at this website from Loyola University Maryland.

--Discovery Education has great information for kids and parents about how to put together a quality project.

So you're doing a project on...

Here are a few common science fair topics and links to go with them. Don't see your topic in this section? Leave a comment at the bottom of the post and I will try to help you out with a suggested resource or two.

Chem4Kids has good basic info to help you understand it.

--Mold: The Environmental Protection Agency has a guide to mold, and here are some instructions for getting your mold started, and information about what it actually is.

--Cleaning products: The Soap and Detergent Association has some information on what common products contain.

--The human brain: Take a look at this information on the nervous system.

--Plants: Check out the plant page on Biology4Kids.com.

--Earth or the environment: Check out the Encyclopedia of Earth.

Homework for the Week of 10-5-09


Continue your science fair research, and begin typing Review of Literature. Keep track of all sources! (See the Research Paper Guide and the Citation Guide to help you.)
Wednesday: Begin your lab notes for the week-- write up your Purpose and Hypothesis.
Thursday: Add the procedure section to your lab notes.
Friday: Read the news article assigned in class. Answer the experimental evaluation questions at the bottom.


Monday: Continue your science fair research, and begin typing Review of Literature. Keep track of all sources! (See the Research Paper Guide and the Citation Guide to help you.)
Begin your lab notes for the week-- write up your Purpose and Hypothesis.
Wednesday: Add the procedure section to your lab notes.
Friday: Read the news article assigned in class. Answer the experimental evaluation questions at the bottom.


Wednesday: Changes in Matter review questions (please complete these in your notebook).
Thursday: Complete all lab notes for the density lab.
Friday: Acids and bases worksheet. Remember that your Review of Literature is due October 13!

Tuesday: Changes in Matter review questions (please complete these in your notebook).
Wednesday: Complete all lab notes for the density lab.
Thursday: Acids and bases worksheet. Remember that your Review of Literature is due October 13!

Tuesday: Analysis 1-3 on p. A26. You need your map from class to complete this. Study for quiz!
Work on your Review of Literature, due October 13!


Thursday: Analysis 1-3 on p. A26. You need your map from class to complete this. Study for quiz!
Work on your Review of Literature, due October 13!