Google Guide!

We all use Google! But do you use it as effectively as you could? Check out the Google Guide Cheat Sheet and try out each tip listed.

Then, complete the practice exercises listed here.  Enter your responses here.

Subject/Verb Quiz and Teen Ink

Seventh-graders, click here to check your understanding of subject-verb agreement.

Then, visit the website TeenInk and click here to answer questions about it.

Homework for the Week of 5-16-11

This week will bring the premiere of Freedom Riders, a fantastic new documentary about the fight to desegregate buses in the south during the Civil Rights Movement. Check it out at 9 p.m. on Monday, May 16, or 3 p.m. on Tuesday, May 17. You can learn a lot more at the website, too.

Monday: Research assignment: watch Freedom Riders or read excerpts from companion book and respond to questions. (Due Wednesday.) 
Tuesday: Freedom Riders research assignment due tomorrow.

Wednesday: Context collage for a vocabulary word of your choice.

Thursday: You Be the Teacher proposal due.

Friday: Read The Media and the Freedom Rides and create a Media Metaphors collage (collecting and compiling media reports on an issue, analyzing images and language used to report).

Language Arts:

219: Active/passive voice practice.
213: Parts of speech practice.

219: Direct/indirect object practice.
213: Homophone practice.
225: GUM pages 55 and 56.

219: Parts of speech review.
213: Confused/misused words review.
225: Parts of speech review.

219: Week’s review: direct/indirect objects, parts of speech, active/passive voice.
213: Subject-verb agreement practice.
225: Watch Freedom Riders clip and write one-page reflection.

219: Finding and annotating an example of the chosen genre.
213: Usage review (exempt if quiz was passed).