Homework for the Week of 4-25-11

I hope you had a safe and restful Spring Break!  Seventh grade: you have a proofreading quiz to complete by the end of the night on Sunday, May 1. Click here to complete it.

Monday: Read Act IV, Scene 2 and answer comprehension questions.
Tuesday: Read through script and have assigned work (varies depending on role) completed by Thursday.
Wednesday: Read Act IV, Scene 5 lines 1-99 and complete Speech Bubbles worksheet. (Extra credit for reading and summarizing the remainder of the scene).
Thursday: Read and annotate Socratic Seminar text (“Harrison Bergeron”).
Friday: Read and outline "How Earth Day Came About."

Language Arts:

219: Active and passive voice practice.
213: List of all narrator panels.

219: Appositive practice.
213: “I Dare You” paragraph: 7 sentences on goals for 8th grade. Must correctly use compound personal pronouns at least once.
225: Article due electronically.

219: Completed storyboard.
213: Online proofreading quiz due Sunday evening.
225: Ideas for interview subjects OR formal letter requesting that an interview subject be arranged.

219: Quiz on appositives and active/passive voice.
213: Online proofreading quiz due Sunday evening.
225: Completed appointment card demonstrating a scheduled time for an interview (students who wrote a letter requesting an interview subject are exempt).

219: Free write.
213: Online proofreading quiz due Sunday evening.

Homework for the Week of 4-11-11

Monday: Read Act III, Scene 2 and answer reflection questions in play journal.

Tuesday: Identifying couplets in Romeo and Juliet.
Wednesday: Read Act III, Scene 4 and complete iambic pentameter worksheet.
Thursday: Study for Romeo and Juliet test. Read Act III, Scene 5 and complete texting language worksheet.
Friday: Write a passage using all lesson 27 words. Choose one play journal reflection question from list of options.

Language Arts

219: Charting the narrative arc of the memoir.
213: Complete storyboard.

219: Free write.
213: GUM practice: predicate nouns, predicate adjectives, appositives.
225: Bring a colored pen to class.

213: Lesson 26 part 3, page 80.
225: Finish high school brochure.

219: Listening to and responding to audio memoir from This I Believe or StoryCorps series. Bring a colored pen.

219: Active voice and passive voice sentence practice.
213: Identifying types of sentences.

Homework for the Week of 4-4-11

Wow, it's April!

Monday: Writing your personal pledge of allegiance. Work on portfolios for report-card pickup.

Tuesday: Read Junior Scholastic “Disaster in Japan” or “G.I. Janes” and complete article summary. Portfolios completed for third-quarter report card pickup.
Thursday: Quiz on word study lessons 25 and 26
Friday: Adaptation Ideas worksheet

Language Arts

219: Choose one memory to expand and use it to complete a free write.
213: Revising based on a comment made in class.

219: Think of a time in your life that you might want to write more about. Who is another person who was there or who knew you during that time period? Ask them a few questions and jot down their responses.
213: Clean, complete, updated draft of memoir.
225: GUM lesson 5 part 3, page 16.

219: “I Dare You” paragraph.
213: Peer conference preparation (draft with guiding questions).
225: Free write.

219: Completed first draft of memoir.
213: Bring materials for your final memoir project, as outlined on the project sheet.